I just started using Google Chrome but I noticed that when I ran CCleaner 2.29.1111 (the latest version as far as I know), Chrome did not show up under Applications so it is not getting cleaned. Anyone know why it isn't showing up there?
I just started using Google Chrome but I noticed that when I ran CCleaner 2.29.1111 (the latest version as far as I know), Chrome did not show up under Applications so it is not getting cleaned. Anyone know why it isn't showing up there?
Same here, I posted it a couple of days ago. My post was moved to the Known Bugs forum, so I assume they are working on it.
If the previous version worked OK, maybe go back to it until the issue is sorted.
All versions available here: (FileHippo)
I just up graded to v2.9 a few minutes ago and all is well with Goggle Chrome and cCleaner for me, worked perfectly.
Same here, I posted it a couple of days ago. My post was moved to the Known Bugs forum, so I assume they are working on it.
I had the same problem when I upgraded and while it doesn't explain the issue, I did reinstall Chrome. CCleaner now recognizes it and works its magic.
If this helps... I notice that Chrome shows up under two Windows XP systems I use, but not under my only Win7 (64-bit, in my case) system.
Happy to report that v2.30 picks up Chrome fine here, on WinXP.
Great job, guys.
I have just downloaded the newest version of CCleaner and all is well now.