Chrome Needs to be closed message

Why am I getting the 'Chrome needs to be closed message' whenever I run the CCleaner? It happens even after a restart or cold start when I haven't even started Chrome??

Win XP SP3

In my limited testing, it will prompt you with that "Chrome needs to be closed" message if CCleaner detects any process with the name "chrome.exe" (regardless if it is the legitimate Google Chrome or not).


1) Run Task Manager (TaskMgr.exe) before running CCleaner and look for any processes named "chrome.exe".

2) Open up cmd.exe and type: tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome.exe" before running CCleaner.

Report back.

Usually this is caused by one (or more) of these three things

Chrome Sync (keeps all of your chrome instances with the same data across devices)

Cloud Print


A Chrome app that run at startup.

... or A Chrome app that run at startup.

Like Goggle Update.

Check msconfig or in CC, Tools, Startup and turn off anything with Goggle in it.