Chrome detects malicious intent Ccleaner513


I'm a newby, so please forgive me if I make any mistakes!

Today I downloaded Ccleaner (latest update v513) and Chrome stopped the download saying it "...may harm your browsing experience, so Chrome has blocked it!"

Never happened before, so what's up?

I've attached a thumbnail screen clip to show exactly what appeared.


make sure you are getting it from the Piriform site.

Chrome is most likely picking up the fact that the normal build comes bundled with some embedded 'goodies', like Chrome itself.

if it keeps giving you the hassle, either set Chrome to ignore the CC installation .exe or use the slim or portable builds which can be found on the Builds page here;

(note the slim build isn't there yet as it comes out about a week after the normal build which has only just been released)

It would be interesting if Chrome was detecting the bundled in Google software to deem it malicious, actually it would be rather hilarious.

In any event if you are downloading from it can be deemed a false positive.

make sure you are getting it from the Piriform site.

Chrome is most likely picking up the fact that the normal build comes bundled with some embedded 'goodies', like Chrome itself.

if it keeps giving you the hassle, either set Chrome to ignore the CC installation .exe or use the slim or portable builds which can be found on the Builds page here;

(note the slim build isn't there yet as it comes out about a week after the normal build which has only just been released)

Many thanks mta, no issues when downloaded direct from Piriform.

I think I used File Hippo previously (when I got the problem).

Anyway, it's working fine.

Thanks once again and wishing you a very Happy Christmas and New Year!

and all the festive merriment back at you too. :D

and just a word for the wise, always use the developers official website (whenever possible) when getting their products.

CNET, SourceForge and the like have descended into 'wrapping' their downloads with who-knows-what.

I seem to recall FileHippo does or did do that too, to a lesser extent.

and a belated welcome to the Forums.