Chrome 64 Bit for Windows


With the release of Chrome Stable 64 Bit for Windows - 37.0.2062.102 unknown-m (64-bit), nothing appears in the 'Google Chrome' section of Tools | Startup.

Entries for Chrome under 'Cleaner' seem to be OK however.



Can confirm on 38.0.2113.0 canary (64-bit)

Isn't canary beta, @Winapp2.ini, you know better'n that :lol:

Isn't canary beta, @Winapp2.ini, you know better'n that :lol:

Alpha, I think. Akin to Firefox Aurora. I only keep it on hand for testing. Firefox 34 Nightly (x64) daily driver B)

Hi JemW,

Thanks for letting us know. We'll look into it.