Hi. First-time poster. I hope this topic isn't covered elsewhere and I simply failed to see it.
For the last few weeks, the Check for Updates button has opened a webpage called "Untitled", which is totally blank. Nothing loads onto the page, and I'm also unable to open ANY other webpage from it. I have to close my browser and restart it before I can continue to use the internet. To get CCleaner updates, I have to visit the site via a link which I have now bookmarked (after closing and reopening the browser). After I have visited the CCleaner site, I can then return to the Check For Updates button on the CCleaner dashboard and it will open the update page.
My browser is Chrome, version 74.0.3729.131
I am using CCleaner Free, currently on version ccsetup556. This problem has existed for, I think, the last 3 or 3 releases