Change the name of the language files.

I think you should change the language files names so they could be easily recognized in the Lang folder of your applications.

Actually they are lang-1025.dll, lang-1026.dll, lang-1027.dll, ..., lang-5146.dll so how I'm supposed to know which one is the file language for Russian which I'd like to delete for example because I'd never use it, or how I'm supposed to find the Portuguese (Brazilian) file when I have problems with it? Or how would I know if the language I want is really missing or it's a bug in the software's drop-down language picker list?

You could add a command to replace (delete) the actual language files and install (copy) the new renamed ones on the next versions' installers.

Here :

Wow! Piriform follow all rules that Microsoft defines for development! (that's a good thing - I guess)

Ok, my suggestion is somewhat useless (ok it's totally useless).

Could an admin delete this thread? :wacko:

I think you should change the language files names so they could be easily recognized in the Lang folder of your applications.

Actually they are lang-1025.dll, lang-1026.dll, lang-1027.dll, ..., lang-5146.dll so how I'm supposed to know which one is the file language for Russian which I'd like to delete for example because I'd never use it, or how I'm supposed to find the Portuguese (Brazilian) file when I have problems with it? Or how would I know if the language I want is really missing or it's a bug in the software's drop-down language picker list?

You could add a command to replace (delete) the actual language files and install (copy) the new renamed ones on the next versions' installers.

In addition to the following user's comment, the English dll does not exist because English is the native & default.

You can safely delete the entire languages folder & Defraggler will still run. You can also delete the CMD version of it, along with Uninstall.exe etc.

All you need is the defraggler & the .ini file it stores settings in to make the portable version.

I prefer to leave your thread luik as its a great reference source for users who want to know the answer to the question you asked :)

Let's add this list. Perhaps it's not updated, but could help anyway.

Lang-.dll files:

1052 Albanian

1025 Arabic

5146 Bosanski

1026 Bulgarian

1027 Catal?

1029 Cesky

2052 Chinese (Simplified)

1028 Chinese (Traditional)

1030 Dansk

1031 Deutsch

1034 Espa?ol

1036 Fran?ais

1110 Galego

1032 Greek

1037 Hebrew

1040 Italian

1041 Japanese

1042 Korean

1063 Lietuviu

1071 Macedonian

1038 Magyar

1043 Nederlands

1044 Norwegian

1045 Polski

2070 Portugu?s

1046 Portugu?s (do Brasil)

1048 Romana

1049 Russian

3098 Serbian Cyrillic

2074 Serbian Latin

1051 Slovensky

1035 Suomi

1053 Svenska

1055 T?rk?e

Ok! :)