cd//dvd drives not working

i was screwing around last night in the advanced stuff, and somehow i managed to make my cd and dvd drives stop working. I went into to trouble shooting and it said my drivers were missing or corrupted. Go Figure :blink: i tried running windows update to grab them through that, but it didnt work. any one have any idea where i can get them?

1st drive: Sony dvd-Rom DDU1615

2nd drive: Philips dvd+-RW DVD8631

Thanks for the help


I believe all optical drives use windows drivers, so you could try removing the two drives from Device Manager, reboot the computer, when it has reloaded, windows will find the drives again and load the respective drivers for them.

You might want to wait for a more definate answer though before doing this.

I believe all optical drives use windows drivers, so you could try removing the two drives from Device Manager, reboot the computer, when it has reloaded, windows will find the drives again and load the respective drivers for them.

You might want to wait for a more definate answer though before doing this.

While in Device Manager, go to Properties on each drive and check Device Usage to be sure they are enabled.

well, poo. removing them and rebooting didnt do it, and they ar enabled.

In the Device Manager right click a CD/DVD drive and click Troubleshoot to bring up Windows Help topics.

Also right click a CD/DVD drive in Device Manager and click Scan for hardware changes.

neither worked.. i am going to find the cds that came with the computer and see if they have the drivers on there. if not im lost for a solution. i even went on dells site and pulled up my computer and downloaded the drivers, but they said no devices were found...

What were you doing to cause such a problem? Just curious.

neither worked.. i am going to find the cds that came with the computer and see if they have the drivers on there. if not im lost for a solution. i even went on dells site and pulled up my computer and downloaded the drivers, but they said no devices were found...

Personally I would telephone Dell's tech support for help since our suggestions are a complete dead end.

A Dell search I did:

CD drive does not work

Would scandisc or system restore help?

What were you doing to cause such a problem? Just curious.

sorry for the slow responses, but what i think did it was that i was messing around with my windows components and succesfully deleted all of them. and me not thinking straight, i said i would look for the dell cds right? well even if i found them, my computer wouldnt be able to use them because the drives dont work, DOH! :P so, ill check that link you posted and keep looking into the problem.

Edit: also, for somereason, ive tried system restore and it never works, it alwase says it failed to restore. ive tried multiple times.


Edit: also, for somereason, ive tried system restore and it never works, it alwase says it failed to restore. ive tried multiple times.

I think detected devices are stored in a file on the hard disk, however I'm not completely sure. Sounds like you need a computer technician.

yes, i think something is fishy, i dont believe it to be the hardware. and the system restore has alwase been like that, i am going to call dell today and ill post here what happens.

thanks for the help though!


yes, i think something is fishy, i dont believe it to be the hardware. and the system restore has alwase been like that, i am going to call dell today and ill post here what happens.

thanks for the help though!


i had the same thing happen to me before. sometimes your drives wont appear after u uninstall a burning app. this worked for me.

Start Registry Editor (Start, Run and type in regedit then click)

Find "UpperFilters" and "LowerFilters" (and "UpperFilters.bak" "LowerFilters.bak", if they exist) value under the following key in the registry, and delete it:


Quit Registry Editor.


NOTE: You might need to reinstall any CD recording apps you have, if they start to not work completely, after doing this.

yes, that worked. score! actually i chatted with a dell techy and they told me to delete those, and when the computer started up, do some stuff in the bios (alt f) or something, then save and exit. its working now, just have to find my burner programs. thanks for the help everyone!
