Hello , I was having problems with my laptop running very slow and recieving dll errors - downloaded CCleaner and run the clean up and registry tools a couple times and did see a big improvement in my laptop - although I had a problem with my norton antivirus freezing and had to run their repair tool which fixed that problem - also since running the CCleaner my laptop cannot find my CD drive - it is running windows XP sp3 and I am looking for any help or recommendations please
If you're recently uninstalled DVD related software i.e. disc burning then it sounds like an upper / lower class filter problem.
Richard S.
If you're recently uninstalled DVD related software i.e. disc burning then it sounds like an upper / lower class filter problem.
Richard S.
Which is what the Fix-it I linked to fixes automatically for you. It also lists how to do it manually further down the page. The fix-it is great for those who don't feel comfortable 'messing' with the registry.