I would like to know what would be the right burning speed for best quality music CD`s.
What is the purpose of the various speeds :x1,x2,x4,x8,x16,x32,x48?
I would like to know what would be the right burning speed for best quality music CD`s.
What is the purpose of the various speeds :x1,x2,x4,x8,x16,x32,x48?
x1 will produce the best, best meaning least chance of a coaster. Should you burn at this speed? No not unless your drive is crappy or you are using crappy media.
Many CD replication facilities suggest 4x -- no more than 8x.
I use 4x speed and sometimes 8x speed for audio CD burning with good quality discs. Going faster than 8x in my experience will sometimes cause some playback issues like a noticeable skip with some playback units.
x1 will produce the best
That speed unfortunately which may be more secure isn't available in most modern burner drives I've tried. I haven't used any burner drives for several years that will go under 4x speed for CD-R discs.
Interestingly though your comment makes me remember the horde of audio CDs I burned many years ago that playback flawlessly being they were burned at speeds 2x and under, whilst the newer faster burned variety are a "lets see how bad this turns out" type of ordeal as many even burned at 4x speed have some skip in them and it isn't drive independent as I have several burner drives.
i never even burn disks. i just put everything on my mp3 player or a 16 gb stick i have that plugs into my home and car stereos. im sure the sound is not as good as a regular cd, but i'm a cheap date and the quality isn't really an issue as i really can't tell the difference.