CCv4.00.4064 Sooooooooooo Slow


Since upgrading to the latest version the cleaning time has slowed to an incredible snails pace, takes hours? never had this problem before , always been superfast? whats gone wrong with this version ? anyone else having same problems, any advice would be much appreciated,



Some more info from you would help:

* What is your Windows OS version, ie; (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8)?

* Do you have a Secure Deletion mode enabled? It's in the CCleaner settings in: Options->Settings

Also if you haven't restarted your computer lately, give that a try:

Hello Andavari, Thanks for your response, in answer: I have Windows 7 and yes i have always used Guttman 35 pass mode which has never slowed up CCleaner before. have been using latest version for a week or so and have restarted lots of times.

Take it from a data recovery pro and HDD expert extraordinaire (ahem! cough cough) - you don't need 35 passes! You're just applying excess wear and tear. 1-3 passes are more than sufficient.

The Guttman 35 passes while in CCleaner as an option is outdated and doesn't need to be used anymore with modern hard disks, and it may reduce the lifespan of a hard disk.

Your significant slowdown is in likelihood that Piriform has and I don't know when to be exact fixed something as it pertains to the secure deletion, therefore the slower cleaning time you've noticed.

Btw are you cleaning SSD or HDD?