I tried Slim and it won't install. Windows won't install. Says it can't find device, path, file. I have unblocked it as it came from another computer. I run it as Administrator and have set properties to Administrator. I will try in SAFE with NETWORK. SAFE alone didn't work.
CRAZY I downloaded the zip file and in the processing things got loaded to a TEMP folder. I finally found the zip and much to my surprise I found an executable of the 5460 version. It ran and worked. What the problem was or is I have no idea.
Thanks for the suggestions. I wonder what else is hidden there.
Check your antivirus logs, some will silently block files or delete them without notifying, I had a recent run in with that with Avira and a false positive.
Also check your firewall logs because during setup CCleaner supposedly phones home to make sure you're installing the newest version.
First: Piriform's download of this update is larger and they do not provide a checksum. Note: Only Filehippo provides an MD5 checksum that I could find, see: http://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/tech/. I don't personally know if this is typical of CC updates, but it does strike me as unusual.
Second: Piriform directs their CC users to Filehippo to download the free version of the CC update, whose file contents are different from the same update offered at the Piriform website? Isn't this also kind-of nuts?
MD5 is no longer considered secure, if so, wouldn't one of the newer algorithms be a better choice? For instance SHA256. For Windows users, running from within PowerShell, SHA256 is the default, just enter, "get-filehash Downloads\ccsetup513* | Format-List", and presto you get the SHA256 checksum. To get the MD5 output the,"-Algorithm MD5" must be inserted following the file name.
Neither update version works for me and both updates fail in the same manner, so I guess it may be academic. Do any of you have any insights into what is going on here? I've attached the outputs from Get-FileHash while used within Windows PowerShell.
Below is a description of how the update fails for me in the unlikely outcome that my attempted updates have anything to do with this thread:
I start by downloading the update, and then do a virus scan and test the checksum (both of which are good). Next I start the update and not much happens after that. Basically what I'm left looking at is a dialog box display, "Please wait while setup is loading...unpacking data: 70%".
I'm using Win 8.1 and have been using CC for years. The procedure I'm using to perform the update is the same as I've always used. Currently using V5.12.5431 and it is working fine. I abort the attempted update by using Task Manager. It doesn't matter which update file I attempt the update with, they all fail the same way.