ccleaner4 not showing any result for registry junk.

I have window 8 installed and using ccleaner version 4.

The problem is that ccleaner is not showing any results for the registry related entries such as "user assist key", "explore mru" etc . Registry entries are missing only junk files are listed in the scanned results .

I don't know what the problem is or why cleaner is not scanning registry key ? However ccleaner's registry cleaner is working fine without any issue.

It does scan and clean them, CCleaner just doesn't show/report registry entries.

This feature has been asked many times (also from me), but we'll see if they'll ever include it..

are you talking about the registry integrity section of ccleaner or, as nodles thought, the cleaner section?

If the former, maybe you don't have any.

@nergal I'm talking about the cleaner section. It's not showing any result for registry entries, even though those registry keys exist. like "usbstor" and "userassist" key contains data but they are not show in the results. and this is not limited to a particular registry entry .. I used winapp2.ini and not even a single result related to registry was found. Those registry key do contain data that should have been show in the results.

@nodles It doesn't show nor cleans those entries.

This part of the forum is for issues with ccleaner only.

If you are using Winapp2.ini please post in the Winapp2.ini thread


@hazelnut It's not winapp2.ini problem ...

Sorry Guys .. I think I'm not able to make you understand what I'm trying to say, may be because english is not my native language. Ok this time let me explain you in detail with some screenshots.

As you can see in the screen shot below ccleaner windows section has some option such as "Run", "explorer MRUs" "User Assist History" that points to some registry keys.


As you can see in the screenshots below these registry are not empty, they contain data that should have shown in the scanned results, but ccleaner is not showing them .



in your case, Nodles was spot on. CCleaner has never shown this information, many of us have asked, [opinion]hopefully it will be implemented.[/opinion]

This is driving me nuts.

@nergal It's not showing any registry results , I'm fine with it ... but why it's not cleaning them ???

This is driving me nuts.

Don't let it. Not worth the angst. :)

If I right-click User Assist History and clean, CC removes all the history in the start menu. The history will not rebuild until I reboot my pc. Does this work for you?

are you skipping UAC?


User assist history is not the problem I can simply disable it by creating a "NoLog" value unders the HKCU\...\..\UserAssits\Setting registry key.

I'm just wondering what's the probelm with ccleaner , why it's not cleaning any registry entries. as I said above this problem is not limited to user assist key but all the registry .

@nergal no