
Hi. I have just discovered that (despite the appropriate setting) CC is not deleting my Index.dat files, which are still there when I reboot after running a scan. Running a series of scans doesn't make any difference. What is the remedy,please.?

Cheers, Haba. :(

The old index.dat files are deleted but are recreated anew by windows as needed.

There are a few files and folders that are recreated anew besides index.dat if deleted.

The old index.dat files are deleted but are recreated anew by windows as needed.

There are a few files and folders that are recreated anew besides index.dat if deleted.

Thanks Humpty. I'm aware of what you say,but the contents of my Index.dat files are exactly the same immediately after the CC run as they were before it.!!

Cheers, Haba. :(

Use IE for a bit,close it down,check the contents of index.dat.

Run CC,reboot and recheck index.dat.Any change?

Index.dat usually can't be deleted when windows is running.

There are always some headers in the file as default hence the 32 kb size.

go here to get unlocker.exe

install unlocker.exe

1. find index.dat and right click on it then select unlocker->unlock all, right click it again then select


2. make a dummy index.dat (create a text file and add some text), copy and paste it there

repeat 1 and 2 for all instance of index.dat

index.dat wont be recreate if you use a dummy file and you can test it by restarting window then

use some index.dat viewer to test them, go on internet and internet explorer wont write to index.dat

ever again

go here to get unlocker.exe

install unlocker.exe [\quote]

Thanks noob, but the program you suggest (which sounds great) is not suitable for my Win98SE. Do you know of a similar one which would be OK for my OS,please.?

Regards, Haba.

Use IE for a bit,close it down,check the contents of index.dat.

Run CC,reboot and recheck index.dat.Any change?

Index.dat usually can't be deleted when windows is running.

There are always some headers in the file as default hence the 32 kb size.

Thanks for the suggestions Humpty but no change. I expect to see the headers but nothing is being deleted. I have also discovered that my Cookies are not being deleted,despite the setting.!!

Regards, Haba.

First find out where the index.dat locations

To prevent window create the new oness

make dummy index.dat

overwrite those index.dat

in win98se, use index.dat suite to find index.dat

generate the batch file

edit the batch file instead of delete to copy the dummy index.dat over the othe ome

This thread Does ccleaner work with win98? may be relevant.

1) First find out where the index.dat locations

2) To prevent window create the new oness

make dummy index.dat

3) overwrite those index.dat

in win98se, use index.dat suite to find index.dat

4) generate the batch file

5) edit the batch file instead of delete to copy the dummy index.dat over the othe ome

Thanks Noob. 1) I know the index.dat locations. 2)/3) Could you tell me how to generate the dummy file and overwrite the "real" files,please. ? It's something I've not done before -- I guess I'm rather low-tech,so I also have to ask 4)/5) How do I generate and edit the batch file to overwrite,please.? I assume this will have the result mentioned at the end of your previous posting ie."internet explorer won't write to index.dat ever again", which would be great.!!! Regards, Haba. :)

This thread Does ccleaner work with win98? may be relevant.

Hi,Glenn. CCleaner has always worked OK on my Win98SE until I had the recent problems.

Cheers, Haba.

Boot to dos

2 dummy index.dat

a. type " echo index > c:\index.dat"

b. type 'edit', which bring up the dos text editor, type some text and save as index.dat to c: drive

3 type "copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5 /y"

"copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5 /y"

Boot to dos

2 dummy index.dat

a. type " echo index > c:\index.dat"

b. type 'edit', which bring up the dos text editor, type some text and save as index.dat to c: drive

3 type "copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5 /y"

"copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5 /y"


I've never been into DOS before and know nothing about it, so I'm probably doing it all wrong.!! I brought-up the MS DOS Prompt screen by typing "command" into Start>Run, which showed "Bad command or file name" and "c:\windows\desktop>". I had no control over the text (location,deletion etc) but typed in (after "---\desktop.)"echo index>c:\index.dat",after which nothing at all happened. Could you put me right,please.? !! Could you also explain where I type the two 3) commands or perhaps it will be obvious once I get past 2a).?

Regards, Haba. :(

Boot to dos

1. Turn on the computer, and hold Crtl key, before win98 is loading

A menu should show up, then chose go to command prompt

2. type echo index > c:\index.dat (nothing seems to happen)

type dir c:\index.dat ( you will see index.dat )

3. type copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5

copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5

if prompt to overwrite, press Y

1. Turn on the computer, and hold Crtl key, before win98 is loading

A menu should show up, then chose go to command prompt

2.a. type echo index > c:\index.dat (nothing seems to happen)

b. type dir c:\index.dat ( you will see index.dat )

3. type copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5

copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5

if prompt to overwrite, press Y

Thanks for the further info: Noob. I've spent most of my PC time over the last couple of days trying to implement your directions without success and I'll try to give you as clear a picture as possible of my activities (having made a series of attempts), in the hope you will be able to see where I've been going wrong.

1) No apparent problems. Chose Command Prompt. Clicked Enter and c:\>Set tvdumpflags=8 appeared, with three c:\>s below it, the bottom one showing a flashing dash.

2).a. Typed in exactly as you said (double-checked!) .Clicked Enter and got "Bad Command or File Name".

b. Ditto and got either "File Creation Error"or "Volume in drive C has no label. Volume Serial Number is 2247-17FE. Directory of C:\. File Not Found." Didn't attempt to continue in circumstances.

I hope you won't lose patience with all my come-backs, as I'm really keen to have the benefits of the exercise. Where do we go from here,please.? Regards, Haba.

continue from 2


2 type the command below then press enter

echo index.dat > c:\index.dat

dir c:\index.dat


copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5

copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5

Boot to dos

1. Turn on the computer, and hold Crtl key, before win98 is loading

A menu should show up, then chose go to command prompt

2. type echo index > c:\index.dat (nothing seems to happen)

type dir c:\index.dat ( you will see index.dat )

3. type copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\tempor~1\content.ie5

copy c:\index.dat c:\windows\history\history.ie5

if prompt to overwrite, press Y

Hi,Noob. I've just returned from a couple of weeks away from my PC and resumed action on this issue. I've gone back to your posting of 27/05, in particular--"if prompt to overwrite, press Y". When I entered 3 above, I got "overwrite c:\windows\tempo (Yes/No/All)?"with the flashing dash after it. Could you kindly clarify what I should do please, as the only "Y" to "press" is the first letter of Yes, which obviously is not what's intended. !! Do I have to repeat the whole exercise for each location of an index.dat file or can they be grouped together in a single command or just listed under 3 as above,please.?

Kind Regards, Haba. :(

Noob. This is to supplement my yesterday's posting (#15). I have been told that the way to answer the "overwrite c:\---etc" question is to type (in lower case) "y" for yes, "n" for no and "a" for all. I have just tried the "y" for yes and the response was--"Bad command or file name"!! Your directions have got me through the exercise so far and I hope you'll be able to get me over this snag please. Regards, Haba.

Hi,noob. I expect you've been busy but I would really appreciate replies to my posts #15 and #16,please, as I'm still stuck with the problem of how to answer the "Overwrite c:\windows\tempo (Yes/No/All)?" question.

Regards, Haba

This thread is all far too complicated.

Simply download Pocket Killbox -

Click "Delete on Reboot"

Click the folder icon and browse to the Index.dat file in question, or type the full path to the file (I'm assuming you know the path)

Click the red and white circled 'X' button.

This thread is all far too complicated.


A quick batch file that works in MS-DOS mode would have saved about half the posts in this thread.


A quick batch file that works in MS-DOS mode would have saved about half the posts in this thread.

I was going to suggest/describe putting a line in wininit.ini (which would have been far easier than trying to echo into a dummy file or whatever the hell that was about) but Pocket Killbox actually does that for you.