hi everyone, I'm new here and new to CCleaner. When I do the analyzing in CCleaner I don't know whats good or bad, I'm afraid I'm deleting something good if I click the "run cleaner" button. Could someone please help me out on this? Thank you in advance
Usually I Just Fix All The Problem ...So Far So Good...No Problem At All...
what CCleaner clean depends on what checkboxes you checked on the left panel... so if want to keep something, just uncheck those checkboxes...
what CCleaner clean depends on what checkboxes you checked on the left panel... so if want to keep something, just uncheck those checkboxes...
What about under "advanced" files like
menu order cache, window size/location cache....them files? should I put a check in them too or leave it alone? It seems a little scarey to me where I'm new at this.
Thanks guys
If you're new and doesn't know what those option mean, you should keep them unchecked. They can disort many of your personal settings...
What about under "advanced" files likemenu order cache, window size/location cache....them files? should I put a check in them too or leave it alone? It seems a little scarey to me where I'm new at this.
i got the following information from CCleaner help...
Menu Order Cache
The Start menu allows you to set a custom order to the programs listed, although there's no option to sort all folders by name. Selecting this option removes any custom ordering from the Start menu.
Tray Notifications Cache
In Windows XP the System Tray (the set of icons next to the clock in the bottom-right corner) orders and hides items automatically for you. Whilst this is useful, it records a list of every program that has been run from the tray. This option clears the list of previous programs and removes any custom display/hide options. (Warning: This won't have any affect until you manually restart the explorer process from the Task Manager.)
Window Size/Location Cache
Windows Explorer stores the view formatting and ordering settings for each folder on your system. After some time, this can contain a large amount of redundant data and may even slow down browsing for files on your system. Selecting this option will clear this data and reset the Windows Explorer display settings to their default option.
User Assist History
The start menu on Windows XP displays a list of the most recently run programs. Selecting this option will clear this list.
IIS Log Files
IIS (Internet Information Server) is the service Windows uses to display web pages. This comes with most XP Pro and Windows 2000 installations and is generally only used by web developers or designers. Every time someone requests a page it gets logged to a text file. Unless the computer is a web server, these are generally not needed, and may be safely deleted. This option will safely delete these files.
hope all these will help you understand CCleaner further...
Feel free to read the Beginner's Guide.
Hi guys, I'm CCleaner ( Member No.: 2,550 - feel free to edit my name admin.), I am using version 1.22.142.
I've a small problem with "Advanced" -> "UserAssist History"
(The start menu on Windows XP displays a list of the most recently run programs. Selecting this option will clear this list.)
Windows should create a new list of recently used programs, but it will dissapear if I run CCleaner with that option enabled. - So, i've disabled that option. (like default)
But still, after i disabled/unchecked the "User Assist History" function, the 6 recently used programs in my windows xp start menu doesn't appear..!
(example picture)
Could someone please help me out on this? Thank you in advance!
Well after doing this it takes a while for Windows to start up those most recently used applications....
It happens to me too... just be patient and they will come back
Well after doing this it takes a while for Windows to start up those most recently used applications....
It happens to me too... just be patient and they will come back
jobartley515 thanks for your answere!
after a simple system reboot, everything seems to be working again.
Thank you for
your comments.
Yah no problem..
That things happens to me all the time(thats why I usually don't have User Assist History checked)
accually to be precise, the start menu list of programs comes when you restart explorer.exe
however there is an option to do the same thing with Spybot. however spybot's cleaner is better because you dont need to restart explorer.exe for the changes to take effect. dunno why