I installed CCcleaner and receive this Error message while running analyze.
My OS is Windows XP Pro SP2
SB Search & Destroy
Sygate Firewall
I installed CCcleaner and receive this Error message while running analyze.
My OS is Windows XP Pro SP2
SB Search & Destroy
Sygate Firewall
That says nothing.
See where it says "To see what this error report says, click here."
You need that information.
Try this thread.
That says nothing.
See where it says "To see what this error report says, click here."
You need that information.
Try this thread.
I checked out the report as you idicated,it is very lengthy and contains personal info to send to MS.
I also download the file from the link that you attached
How do I know that the fies are not already on my PC??
When I run the executable a box pops up and asks me where do I want to install the files?? Where do I ??
Extract them to the desktop. Then install them. It's from MS so they will be the correct ones instead of what may have been overwritten by third party programs.
Extract them to the desktop. Then install them. It's from MS so they will be the correct ones instead of what may have been overwritten by third party programs.
I installed the files.
Still I have the same problem and Error message.
Uninstall and reinstall CCleaner.
I just tried the uninstall and reinstall.
Same problem.
Have you rebooted after doing all this?
I always do after any type of install!
Still have the same problem!!!
No suggestions anyone !!!!
As Tarun said at the beginning of this thread:
See where it says "To see what this error report says, click here."
You need that information.
Or more importantly, WE need that information, it is the key to the problem, and without it solutions/answers will be vague.
If it contains personal info, then edit it out somehow then post it here.