I have the ccleaner set to clean cookies but save 45 of them. After running the ccleaner I have 166 cookies remaining in C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies and 7 remaining in C:\Users\owner\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Cookies\Low.
166 + 7 = 173 - 45 = 128 extra remaining after running the ccleaner.
Mta based on the location I'm going to be safe in assuming it's IE Is ie open during ccleaning? Are any other programs which might use ie (such as outlook or some sidebar apps if you didn't turn off sidebar apps)
I've opened several of the cookies and the issue appears to be that some of the saved cookies listed in CC have multiple cookies in the cookie folders.
Could this be normal?
Could it be that older cookies have a newer version?
My memory is not clear on this because it has been a long time but when I reinstalled one of my operating systems I saved the cookies and then copied them back. I believe I may have had problems with (some or all) of cookies after doing this (might have been because of the .DAT file) and they may have been created again? This could have been the reinstallation of Win 7 but I’m not sure?
Most all of the cookies have coded names such as "1WYRAWKU.txt". Would a list of these be of any help? If so I will create a list. I had to open them to find the actual "owner name".