CCleaner working with PortableApps Firefox

This is pretty simple. I use PortableApps and have both Firefox and CCleaner on my USB. When I am on a work or other computer I use my USB Firefox to access the web and would like all of usual Firefox files (ie. history, caches, etc.) securely scrubbed from the USB. I use 7 DOD or 35 Gutmann. The CCleaner only cleans the files which may exist on the applications installed on the C: drive of the computer, not those installed on the USB (E: Drive).

Can this be accomplished? Is there a way to redirect the cleaning to the applications on a driver other than C:? Or, does it take Inclusion of Custom Files? If so what are they for Firefox?

I would appreciate any help I can get.................Thanks!!

??? ed, I'm assuming you mean the Firefox from John Haller's 3 or ver 2?) How come you don't just set the FF to delete privacy stuff at the end of the session. Tools > Options > Privacy in the Private data Section, check both options, press the settings and set the ones you want cleared. Then when you close your Firefox window you'll be given the option to clean or not. it's not the securely scrubbing you want but it does well. Otherwise yeah you'll need custom folders and to always have your portable drive mount to the same drive letter on every computer u use it on. Perhaps also (though I've never looked) there is a Firefox extension that will securely (in an amount of passes you approve of) delete your history and all.

EDIT I found some extensions for you:



Nergal, Thanks for the reply. I used to use the Clear Private Data function, but was never satisfied until I found CCleaner. I try to keep a clean computer and have used Erasr for years. Finding CCleaner made life easer. Prior to that, the only way to keep a clean computer was to use Eraser to erase unused disk space. Thanks for the suggestion of the Stealther addon, but I will loose some functiionality if I disable all of the functions listed.

I will still be looking for a way to securely clean or erase after closing the applciation. Maybe this is a suggestion for a new feature.

Also, other than the Cache files, I have no idea where the other information files are stored.