CCleaner won't uninstall

I've downloaded the latest version of CCleaner 5.65 due to some reason I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall. I'm using Windows 7 64bit version, during execution of "uninst.exe" file NSIS error is shown, and if I tried to do it from control panel it shows you don't have sufficient administrative right.

I have made Piriform aware and they are looking into it. You are not alone with this error.

2 hours ago, Ayush Khurana said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		I've downloaded the latest version of CCleaner 5.65 due to some reason I tried to uninstall it but it won't uninstall. I'm using Windows 7 64bit version, during execution of "uninst.exe" file NSIS error is shown, and if I tried to do it from control panel it shows you don't have sufficient administrative right. 

Hi Ayush, thanks for reaching out to our community. The CCleaner QA team has investigated this, and recommend checking whether the uninstall string is incorrect. Please see below for the steps you need to follow to check for this:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\CCleaner OR



Please do let us know if this solution works. Thank you.

No way a user should have to go through all this just to uninstall a Piriform piece of software.

As mentioned above I use windows 7 64 bit version, but I found the registry in,


instead of Wow6432Node. The uninstall string value data was "\uninst.exe" so first I removing the back slash (as solution mentioned above) and then tried uninstalling the software but still NSIS error was shown, after this I tried with the drive letter "C:\uninst.exe" ( the software is install directly on C drive without any folder), again it shows the same error NSIS error, Error Launching Installer.

I tried uninstalling with Revo uninstaller to but no luck.