I have been having a problem lately with my pc. It takes a long time to start up and to open new programs.
I use Nod32 and Superantispyware, and I also scan with other good spyware programs. So I am relatively certain that it is not infected.
I should also mention that I have Windows XP Home and at the present time I am IE. I used to run FF2, but it started giving me troubles, so I uninstalled it.
The problem that I am having with CCleaner is that when I open the program and click "Run Cleaner",
the comment "FirefoxMozilla Cookies" appears in the window.
The program then continues scanning and scanning non-stop.
End Task does not stop CCleaner from running, and I have to do a restart.
Any ideas on what may be causing this problem? Could there be a problem with cookies lodged someplace in the registry. I have searched
the program files, but couldn't find FF or Mozilla anything on the pc.
Straight from the top of my head, you've uninstalled Firefox, so I'd check to make sure Firefox is actually uninstalled properly, as CCleaner is still trying to clean it.
You could also download and install CCleaner again, which should hopefully pick up the fact that Firefox isn't there.
You've looked in C:\ Program Files, also try C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Mozilla, to clear out any Firefox remnants.
Hope that helps.
Edit: Almost forgot, if you're not too sure about your slow PC, head over here to make sure:
I have done some further searching, and I found a couple of FF files in the Document files and deleted them. By doing a MS Search, I have found a file in
I haven't screwed up the courage yet to remove it from the PC.
However, after opening up CCleaner, I clicked Applications and in that file was a list of programs on my PC. One of these was Firefox/Mozilla. One of the checked items under that heading was cookies. I removed the check mark beside cookies, and the program scanned the pc as it normally does.
Could it be that CCleaner was looking for FF/Mozilla cookies that no longer existed? I guess we may never know. However, when I click Tools>Cookies, the pc scans on without stop, so I suppose that something may still be wrong.
In any event, the pc is now working faster than before, CCleaner is working normally, and apart from the slower start up, things are now much better.
Yes, I had downloaded a new version of CCleaner, but still no change.
But as they say, if you can't lick em, join em.
After spending a lot of time yesterday and this morning searching through files, I thought that I would download FF2 again. remove all of the cookies and see what happened.
After doing that, CCleaner is now working normally. Here, for whatever it is worth, is a copy of the CCleaner error report that popped up a couple of times.
AtlThrow: hr = 0x8007000e
CCleaner v2.13.720
MS Windows XP SP3
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.70GHz
S3 Graphics Inc. Savage4
SK=Mozilla ? Cookies
AtlThrow: hr = 0x8007000e
CCleaner v2.13.720
MS Windows XP SP3
Intel Pentium 4 CPU 1.70GHz
S3 Graphics Inc. Savage4
I have been using this program for a few years now, and I suppose like many users, I simply used "Run Cleaner" and "Registry Cleaner" without giving any thought at all to the rest of the options provided by this program. However, these problems and a recent Lifehacker article (Remove Startup Items ..., by Gina Trapani) made me take a whole new look at this program and all of the features it offers.
It is a great program. When I get time in the next couple of days, I am going to download a copy of the instructions and take a much closer look at it.
Anyway, thank you for taking the time to help me with this problem, DennisD. I think that you were right when you said that a Mozilla Cookie was lurking in there someplace.