Allright ive been having this problem for a long time now, and I don't know whats causing it.
I can run CCleaner on the computer at my dads place without any issues (except for the program wont finnish scanning I think) but nevermind that.
I have been re-installing the program several times to see if it helped, of course it didnt.
It takes litterally 1 second to install CCleaner on this computer wich has little under 200meg RAM so basically what im trying to say is that this is a really REALLY slow computer. So I know from experience that any installation takes longer time CCleaner included.
The funny part is that once installed theres only 2 files in there! 2!!! I do know theres supposed to be a few .dll files and 1 or 2 .INI-files. Theres only CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe.
I did have it installed working once upon a time in a galaxy far far away though; was forced to re-install it.
And recently I removed a piriform enrty in regeditor to see if it helped install the program correctly (it didnt).
Oh, yeah! About the "malware can stop CCleaner from starting"-thinggy; I recently installed Adaware 2008 again (great program), wich I uninstalled when I found out about CCleaner wich I think is way better. I only Installed Adaware 08 again to remove the dangerous malware and virus I recently got fooled into downloading. I thought I was downloading a anti-virus program (my panda antivirus licence has expired and AVG won't install on my idea what the crap AVG is; only that its a free anti-virus program that won't install on my computer) but a popup window appeared fooling me that the damn virus program was installed and you can guess the rest. I know what happens when I open those links but it keeps getting me every time! I never learn to stay away from that type of links, I just couldnt help myself.
Now only the virus remains its only irritating because it keep telling me that I have virus and I should buy "Antivirus 2008 XP" wich happens to be the virus.
Dont really know where im gett?ng at with all this. Just that I have a serious problem and im trying to fix stuff with my computer, and I need CCleaner to run. Just recently got internet working again, now only the damn sound remains have no experience with AC97 integrated sound cards (Again, ignore that).
What shall I do? I did search the forum for a similar problem, of course nobody had the same retarded problem as I had.
And the ones that had similar problems didnt have solutions/or sollution did not help me.
Im tired of double-clicking all the time with no result.
Although I read in another thread that rundll32 was still running and I did have 2 instances of rundll32 running. tried to shut them down just to try and start the program but nope. But then again I don't know how many rundll32 are supposed to be running.
I don't think I left anything out in this thread. May have put too much information in there though.
But you can't really know too much, now can you?