CCleaner won't start!

Allright ive been having this problem for a long time now, and I don't know whats causing it.

I can run CCleaner on the computer at my dads place without any issues (except for the program wont finnish scanning I think) but nevermind that.

I have been re-installing the program several times to see if it helped, of course it didnt.

It takes litterally 1 second to install CCleaner on this computer wich has little under 200meg RAM so basically what im trying to say is that this is a really REALLY slow computer. So I know from experience that any installation takes longer time CCleaner included.

The funny part is that once installed theres only 2 files in there! 2!!! I do know theres supposed to be a few .dll files and 1 or 2 .INI-files. Theres only CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe.

I did have it installed working once upon a time in a galaxy far far away though; was forced to re-install it.

And recently I removed a piriform enrty in regeditor to see if it helped install the program correctly (it didnt).

Oh, yeah! About the "malware can stop CCleaner from starting"-thinggy; I recently installed Adaware 2008 again (great program), wich I uninstalled when I found out about CCleaner wich I think is way better. I only Installed Adaware 08 again to remove the dangerous malware and virus I recently got fooled into downloading. I thought I was downloading a anti-virus program (my panda antivirus licence has expired and AVG won't install on my idea what the crap AVG is; only that its a free anti-virus program that won't install on my computer) but a popup window appeared fooling me that the damn virus program was installed and you can guess the rest. I know what happens when I open those links but it keeps getting me every time! I never learn to stay away from that type of links, I just couldnt help myself.

Now only the virus remains its only irritating because it keep telling me that I have virus and I should buy "Antivirus 2008 XP" wich happens to be the virus.

Dont really know where im gett?ng at with all this. Just that I have a serious problem and im trying to fix stuff with my computer, and I need CCleaner to run. Just recently got internet working again, now only the damn sound remains have no experience with AC97 integrated sound cards (Again, ignore that).

What shall I do? I did search the forum for a similar problem, of course nobody had the same retarded problem as I had.

And the ones that had similar problems didnt have solutions/or sollution did not help me.

Im tired of double-clicking all the time with no result.

Although I read in another thread that rundll32 was still running and I did have 2 instances of rundll32 running. tried to shut them down just to try and start the program but nope. But then again I don't know how many rundll32 are supposed to be running.

I don't think I left anything out in this thread. May have put too much information in there though.

But you can't really know too much, now can you? :P

Welcome Jokke

It takes litterally 1 second to install CCleaner on this computer wich has little under 200meg RAM so basically what im trying to say is that this is a really REALLY slow computer.

That is small for RAM but what CPU type and speed do you have?

MBAM is good at getting rid of infections.

Download it then Update it then run a Quick scan.

You may have to reboot to remove locked files.

* Follow the links here for assistance in removing any infections on your PC.

* After you've had help removing the infections you should re-download CCleaner here.

Rogue Remover should remove Antivirus 2008. You can use RR portably (so you aren't installing something that the rogue program will stop you from installing)

Here is a link to RR on The Portable Freeware Collection (TPFC) which will also tell you how to set it up Portably. You'll need to use an extractor to make RR portable.

Also instead of installing CC you may wish to use the portable version of it.

As I tracked the progress of Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware I noticed the map it was currently scanning:


"allright, must be done soon...HOLD ON!!! Windows are *NOT* supposed to be on E:\!" And it didnt take long before I noticed a uninstall file for warcraft 3 I believe. Hm damn. thought I fixed that ages ago.

Nevermind that now...after I found the location of the well-hidden hive (that I am so sure wasnt there yesterday. Im positive that im blind or something because if it indeed happened at the warcraft-incident several months ago the Windows file had to be there since then, hmm.) amongst my computer where the queen was laying and spawning her little broodlings in her hive

Clever little breed. I can't believe she managed to snuck into my computer and form a hive so quickly. I did remove a few viruses at the Warcraft-incident (no, I hate warcraft! I was incredibly bored back then) if I remembered correctly. Amazing she survived that though.

So, meanwhile while "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware-Drone" was searching the deepest tunnels of the vast hive I was awaiting the little drones return with positive news about the death of the entire Hive cluster. I was thinking of Nuking them and starting all over. But the hive was located right in my Headquaters! Right Under my nose aswell. So I had to rely on this Cheap drone manufactured by "Malwarebytes Industries". When it did show up it was in surprisingly good shape, so I eagerly read the reports and I was dumbstruck. The results showed me there was a "Malware Zoo" right under my nose! After a quick laugh I read it out to myself a couple of times: '248'. And kept laughing for myself. The little droid seemed to be confused. He didnt quite understand the fun in his little adventure. "Hes a keeper" I thought and sended him away for repairs.

Overlooking the details of the report it showed me that there was 248 different infections deep down there.

After I quickly looked through the report it didnt suprise me that they manage to establish such a large colony in such a small time:

The Trojans!

There were simply too many Trojans to count so I "quickly" stopped at 56 and instead counted on how many WASNT trojans.

Turns out I had 23 different non-trojan viruses/malware, amongst them was like 5-8 worm.bagles, 13 Rouge.XP.Antivirus and im particulary curious about the virus called Hijack.StartMenu located in the registry.

Probably disabled my radar for a while making it impossible to detect and kill it in time so it could start a colony.


Heh godda have a little sense of humor. Or is that too much "StarCraft" and "Alien"? Hahahaha.

Seriosuly though 248??? damn it was on 22 all the way through C:\ and untill it reached "E:\Windows\" it shot through the roof.

Don't judge me, I have way too much sparetime. Don't have a job. Hehe

Heres the report from the program if anyones intressted:



Nergal: Rogue Remover should remove Antivirus 2008. You can use RR portably (so you aren't installing something that the rogue program will stop you from installing)

Here is a link to RR on The Portable Freeware Collection (TPFC) which will also tell you how to set it up Portably. You'll need to use an extractor to make RR portable.

Also instead of installing CC you may wish to use the portable version of it.

I did install Rouge Remover, but im having the same issue that I have with CCleaner, I can click for ages and the program wont start. Ill see tommorrow if it did help getting rid of the darn colony that was reproducing inside the bloody computer hehe.

Its 2am now too late to restat the computer just to see if a program works. My mom would kill me this damn box makes too much waking the neighbors and the dead with the noise its making! :P

And about the performance of the computer:


Win XP Pro version 2002 Service pack 2


IntelĀ® Pentium 4 CPU 1.70GHz 1.70 GHz 256 MB RAM



Intel? Pentium 4 CPU 1.70GHz 1.70 GHz 256 MB RAM

Even my ancient 500MHZ PIII has 512MB RAM running XP Pro SP3 is a bit slow and is absolutely horrible with only 256MB RAM.

RAM is real inexpensive and if you give up a few Cokes, store bought pizzas, MacDonnald Happy Meals or KFC 3 piece dinners you will have saved up enough money for at least another 256MB RAM chip that can be purchased for about $39.00CDN:

I'm off to watch The Final Moments of a hero of mine Hunter S. Thompson on the History Channel.

Welcome to Piriform Jokke.

Allright ive been having this problem for a long time now, and I don't know whats causing it.

I can run CCleaner on the computer at my dads place without any issues (except for the program wont finnish scanning I think) but nevermind that.

If you've never run CCleaner before then it will take a while to remove the crap this doesn't matter how much memory you have. The second time you run it it will be a lot quicker depending how long you leave it between cleans, I do mine once a week and it takes about 8 seconds.

The funny part is that once installed theres only 2 files in there! 2!!! I do know theres supposed to be a few .dll files and 1 or 2 .INI-files. Theres only CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe.

With a normal install you should have CCleaner.exe, history.txt, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and winapp.ini the CCleaner folder. In mine I have BeginnersGuide.chm because I downloaded that separately and stuck it there. It doesn't need any additional dll's because its made with VC++. Unicows.dll is in the app folder because its a Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Win9x Systems for displaying foreign languages. You only have a CCleaner.ini if you choose to use this options in Options\Advanced Save all settings to INI file. It also depends where you downloaded the install from. I would recommend FileHippo but there's nothing wrong with the main site.

I thought I was downloading a anti-virus program (my panda antivirus licence has expired and AVG won't install on my idea what the crap AVG is

Well it appears you have a typical computer system you don't know whats been installed by you or other forms. You haven't actually said what system you are using? As a guess I would think WinXP or even Vista but I will stick with XP. AVG is a free anti-virus program which appears to work very well. You haven't said which version of AVG you are trying to install, don't tell me v8.0 another bad move. I would recommend you download AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 the last of the version 7.5's.

Now its a bit late for you but I would recommend you use Uninstall Manager 4.3 the name is a bit deceiving because it doesn't actually uninstall anything. It checks all the files on your hard drive. The next time you run a check it tells you all the additional files that have been added since the last check. You have to decide whether to keep them or delete them to the recycle bin. Now I know there are certain folders where the files are updated daily e.g. Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and Recent Documents but you can exclude these folders if you want too. Now I've recommended this program before on here but no one has given any feed back. I've been using it for 5 years and its fantastic. It only costs $14.95 to buy it for a single user, which is nothing for what it does. I've had the code for years so it hasn't costs me anything.

You probably won't get AVG to install because its found references to your older versions in the registry. You only need ONE anti-virus application on your system else they will conflict with each other. You could try running the Registry option.

Although I read in another thread that rundll32 was still running and I did have 2 instances of rundll32 running. tried to shut them down just to try and start the program but nope. But then again I don't know how many rundll32 are supposed to be running.

I don't think I left anything out in this thread. May have put too much information in there though.

But you can't really know too much, now can you? :P

Rundll32.exe is part of the Windows system it Runs a DLL as an App you don't want to shut that down. ;)

Do any scans in safe mode.

Allright I have one Thing to say to you all. "Don't try to run CCleaner with 240 viruses/malware"

Its working fine now. I even got the sound to work now. Damn it been so long since I listened to MY music!

Welcome to Piriform forum

Thank you! :D

If you've never run CCleaner before then it will take a while to remove the crap this doesn't matter how much memory you have. The second time you run it it will be a lot quicker depending how long you leave it between cleans, I do mine once a week and it takes about 8 seconds.

I have run CCleaner before many times never takes anymore than 1 minute.

With a normal install you should have CCleaner.exe, history.txt, unicows.dll, uninst.exe and winapp.ini the CCleaner folder. In mine I have BeginnersGuide.chm because I downloaded that separately and stuck it there. It doesn't need any additional dll's because its made with VC++. Unicows.dll is in the app folder because its a Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Win9x Systems for displaying foreign languages. You only have a CCleaner.ini if you choose to use this options in Options\Advanced Save all settings to INI file. It also depends where you downloaded the install from. I would recommend FileHippo but there's nothing wrong with the main site.

Oh I didnt know that, still that was the first thing I suspected, the "missing files" that is. And I did download it BOTH from FileHippo and CCleaners main site. Even downloaded the earliest version that was available on FileHippo once. Didnt help Either.

Well it appears you have a typical computer system you don't know whats been installed by you or other forms. You haven't actually said what system you are using? As a guess I would think WinXP or even Vista but I will stick with XP. AVG is a free anti-virus program which appears to work very well. You haven't said which version of AVG you are trying to install, don't tell me v8.0 another bad move. I would recommend you download AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 the last of the version 7.5's.

I did write the system im using at the end of my last post. And bad news for you here; the AVG version was 8.100 I guess...

The filename says "avg_free_stf_all_8_100a1295".

Now its a bit late for you but I would recommend you use Uninstall Manager 4.3 the name is a but deceiving because it doesn't actually uninstall anything. It checks all the files on your hard drive. The next time you run a check it tells you all the additional files that have been added since the last check. You have to decide whether to keep them or delete them to the recycle bin. Now I know there are certain folders where the files are updated daily e.g. Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and Recent Documents but you can exclude these folders if you want too. Now I've recommended this program before on here but no one has given any feed back. I've been using it for 5 years and its fantastic. It only costs $14.95 to buy it for a single user, which is nothing for what it does. I've had the code for years so it hasn't costs me anything.

Ill check that out later, thanks. I cant buy it though. As I stated before I have no job. :P

You probably won't get AVG to install because its found references to your older versions in the registry. You only need ONE anti-virus application on your system else they will conflict with each other. You could try running the Registry option.

Yeah true, but that "virus anti-virus program" (or however I should put that) installed itself without problems.

I just think it has to do with all the 240 malwares/viruses I had.

Rundll32.exe is part of the Windows system it Runs a DLL as an App you don't want to shut that down. ;)

I know, I shut it down to see if it helped. It also start itself up again so I don't have harm done there.

I even close down explorer.exe sometimes when im running programs or playing or something to save memory. Its just as easy to start up again. CTRL+Alt+Del then New Activity then i write in explorer.exe, and it does work did it countless times. :P

Allright I have one Thing to say to you all. "Don't try to run CCleaner with 240 viruses/malware"

Its working fine now. I even got the sound to work now. Damn it been so long since I listened to MY music!

Thank you! :D

I have run CCleaner before many times never takes anymore than 1 minute.

Hi Jokke,

Yeah, there are many pieces of malware that will keep CCleaner and anti-malware programs from installing.

Just like discussed here.

As far as AVG the version "YOU" need is this one AVG Free Edition 7.5.524 . It is still available and supported until who knows when but it it is very,very good and easy on RAM. The AVG 8.0 will eat up your CPU.

This is the one Keith recommended and it still is great for older PCs or PCs with less RAM.

I use MalwareBytes as an on demand scanner. I have have not tried it as a real-time scanner. If you used Rogue Remover then you know how good MalwareBytes software can be. It is getting very good reviews from the anti-malware community. It's on-demand scanner is very fast compared to any other I have used.

You may also want to try out the "real-time" scanning. It may be all you need.

Install both AVG 7.5 and MBAM . Only use one as the "real-time" scanner.

You also need SpywareBlaster to keep you away from those "sucker" sites. They will tell you anything to get you to "click" and and give them access to your computer.

SpywareBlaster protects you from dangerous sites,spyware and adware.It is a program that loads protective data into your PC.It does not affect your processing time at all and very quick to update whenever you want.

The simplest solutions are often the most effective.

WARNING: DO NOT USE the Flash Killer tool.

It may prevent proper access to some of your "most popular sites".

Good luck,

:) davey

P.S. As far as how many files CCleaner installs,you will end up with CCleaner.exe and uninst.exe in the CCleaner folder if it the standard build English version.

Ill check that out later, thanks. I cant buy it though. As I stated before I have no job. :P

As for uninstall managers you don't need to purchase one, there's freeware alternatives available like MyUninstaller, and the list on A+ Freeware of last freeware versions.

As for uninstall managers you don't need to purchase one, there's freeware alternatives available like MyUninstaller, and the list on A+ Freeware of last freeware versions.

Now its a bit late for you but I would recommend you use Uninstall Manager 4.3 the name is a bit deceiving because it doesn't actually uninstall anything.

As I've said this Uninstall Manager doesn't uninstall anything its wrongly named have another read Andavari.

I use 50 different forums and the number of time I've read "I didn't install that I don't know where it came from" or "I have a virus but I don't know where I got it from".

I've been using it for 5 years and nothing gets in my system without me knowing it.

Oh it also does a system restore for you to the date you last saved the backup as well. ;)

Ok I'll post you the help file so you can have a read of what it does.

Allright, thank you all for helping me with this.

Im so glad I finally got CCleaner working again. And thanks for all the program recomendations, they really helped me out!