I've used Ccleaner for about a year, and I never had any problem with this great tool. But starting from today, Ccleaner sudddenly refuses to open ![:blink:]()
I double-clicked the desktop icon a number of times, but nothing happened. Opening the Task Manager I found 3 occurrences of ccleaner.exe; stopped them all. Tried again - same thing.
Windows XP-SP2
Ccleaner 1.26
Did I recently install something? Actually I did: Firefox 1.5, and Java RTE 1.5.0_06. Windows has been rebooted several times since then.
Any suggestions?
You could try uninstalling CCleaner, and then immediately restart Windows. Then reinstall CCleaner and see if it works, you may want to reboot after the reinstall as well. If may be because your installation of the VB6 Runtime files is messed up, you could always reinstall VB6 Runtime.
Thanks for the quick reply. One question: if I uninstall Ccleaner, will it keep its current settings (e.g. cookies to keep) ?
Reinstalling VB runtime / reboot did not help.
Installing Ccleaner over the existing installation did not help.
Uninstall Ccleaner / reboot / install Ccleaner solved the problem. ![:)]()
Unfortunately the uninstall also removed all my settings, including cookies to keep. ![:(]()
Is there a way to save user settings before the uninstall?
Anyway, thanks for the tips!
You can backup the settings by opening Regedit and exporting the following to a .reg file:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\CCleaner
You can also use the "System rollback" feature in Windows.
Strange problem...
You can also use the "System rollback" feature in Windows.
Strange problem...
The problem was solved.(skimmer)
Anyway why would you use system restore just to fix a software problem?