ccleaner won't clean windows log files

Ccleaner says there's a couple gb to clean. When I run ccleaner, it skips over C:\Windows\Logs\CbsPersist...log. I'd really like to get that space back if it's not essential to keep it.

What operating system are you using, and what size are the CBS logs?

Is your pc running okay otherwise?

Win7...log is around 2gb

PC running ok.

Have a read here which may help you understand what this is and why the log is growing and how to delete it.

Have you actually tried putting the 'persist log' as an include in Ccleaner?

I don't have time to do a bunch of stuff like that, so I went ahead and hit my motherboard a few times with a ball-peen hammer. Everything works now. Thanks! :D

I don't have time to do a bunch of stuff like that, so I went ahead and hit my motherboard a few times with a ball-peen hammer. Everything works now. Thanks! :D

I've put your motherboard fix on my list of help to offer folk :P