ccleaner without dll's and ocx's

For portable usage on an usb-stick, it would be very great, if CCleaner would only consists of one file: CCleaner.exe

So, isn't it possible to integrate the dll and ocx files in that directory into the exe file?

That would make handling the program much easier.

So I can very easy copy that single file to an usb-stick and use it on other computers (friends or somewhere else).

Other small programs like : xp-antispy, pagedefrag ,... are in a single file, too.

What do you think of that idea?

Well, there is a way to run it on a portable device using XP. A forum user found a way, I know it too. But, not sure on what MrG thanks of this...

Unfortunately it's not really possible to put everything into one EXE, but you can write a script to register the OCXs, then run CCleaner, then unregister them again.

And said script only works in Windows XP... so what's the secret to making it work in 98? :D