CCleaner wiping out saved GoToAssist Expert Login

Every time I run CCleaner I have to re-login to GoToAssist Expert. I don't see any options for clearing GoToAssist so I'm not sure why this is getting cleared. Can this be fixed?

If you mean it's cleaning your saved login/password then make sure you have not checked 'Saved Passwords' in CC for your paticular browser.

Then try unchecking 'Saved form information', some websites save logins there.

Some websites no longer allow you to save login passwords whatever you do. It's another security measure.

My mobile provider used to let you but changed a while back so you have to type it in every time. Check the websites security policy.

This is not in the browser, it is in the GoToAssist Expert app.

Sorry I'm not familiar with that app.

However many apps store things in the Internet Explorer settings. Try disabling cleaning of those in CC and seeing if that works. (If you have Win10 try the same with Edge cleaning).

Did you check if the app has changed its own policy about saved logins?