CCleaner wipe free space problem

I used CC cleaners Drive Wipe feature (Simple Over write 1 pass) and after it completed my hard drive went from 120 gigs to 28 gigs. I used it before and it didn't do that. I have two laptops and it only does it on the one. I also notice that when I try to convert videos using that computer it eats my hard drive up and never gets back to the original size after I delete the converted file. Is their a problem with my computer registering recovered space after deleting files including free space. Has anyone had this problem before. If I restore my system the problem goes away until I use CCleaner Drive wipe program or convert video files. It seems this is only happening when some information is written to the disk, images and such. But I really don't know why the drive wipe is doing this, unless it writes information to the hard drive (1's) and the deletes them.

. . . my hard drive went from 120 gigs to 28 gigs.

Losing free space from wiping is usually caused by aborting the wipe, which prevents CC from deleting the cache.

If you see this folder or file . . dl7dF.png . . delete it.

Thanks and I did see that file and should have deleted it. I'll remember that next time when that pops up, bu this time I did let the program finish and the problem was found to be resolved with multiple things tried, which are as followed:

1. deleted windows restore point and shadow file (VSS).

2. Re seated memory boards (may or nay not have fixed the problem)

3. I use Rollback Rx as my restore program (restore is turned off) and went to the defrag portion of the program (defragged restore points) and recovered lost files. I read somewhere that windows restore and Rollback Rx conflicts with each other when Rollback in installed. They suggest using the rollback instead of the regular defrag program.

Thanks again for the information on CC though.