I was told about CCleaner a few years ago from various friends after using various registry cleaners in XP and them basically messing up my registry etc and they assured me you know your stuff and the best of all it's free! Since then I've used you in XP with no issues. I'd leave the program at default settings after install and just deselect everything under the SYSTEM menu except recycle bin and under your Firefox menu except save form information because I'd rather if my save password stuff became cluttered in Firefox I'd delete the data through them because CCleaner wouldn't delete that right.
Okay, here's the thing... after using XP for years I started having issues with the on board sound on my motherboard (my friend built me a new PC the middle of this last December). Micro Center turned it off and then got my sound card I had in my old PC to work (supports XP & Vista), they got the drivers to install and it worked in store but every time my mom brought it home I'd get a detection error with the sound card and they kept telling me that it could be because somehow my card because loose in transport (never had any detection issues in any of my past computer) and I?d have to open the case and push it back in place. Well yesterday Micro Center told my to bring my PC back because I got a blue screen and I?ve never had any until I started having issues with my on board sound card, there was a big stink and the repair manager made me cry because he butted in when I was talking to someone else and started yelling at me, and I?m disabled so the store manager was like why the heck are you being so rude to her? They brought me back with my computer and had me explain all the issues just like they happened because it was one of those instances where things happened in a specific order. After he listened to me he was like... ?None of the techs ever suggested that thought my sound card support XP I may be having driver issues??? because my computer hardware is such high end advanced up-to-date hardware there could be issues, and I hadn?t ever used it in this PC until the on board sound started acting strange.
He sent me to the computer components department to talk to them and the guy that helped me pick out all the components was working so he helped me and we started talking because I have a corporate version of XP SP2 and I used to have Windows branded CD but one of my ex?s cats destroyed it because he left it out so he made a copy of his CD but the components specialist said that it?s like that because I used the burned CD so much it could be giving me issues during the install and me not even know because all installed. He said I could buy a system builders version of SP3 but I might still have issues but wasn?t sure, and he said though tons are against Vista it?s likely that it wouldn?t have issues detecting my sound card because it?s a newer OS. I had bought a retail copy of home premium SP1 from Amazon after SP1 was released and all worked fine but I had one issue... it kept disconnecting me every 5 minutes from the internet but they said it could of be a NIC issue because my old PC supported Vista but I got the motherboard free from my ex?s best friend.. So I sent it back.
Here?s my question. Tons of my friends use Vista and said CCleaner works on Vista but they said I?d have to deselect some of the stuff because the framing in Vista is different compared XP, but I wouldn?t know what to deselect and I don?t want to install it until I know it won?t mess up my OS. So instead of looking around on Google... I figured I?d ask you guys since you?d know best!
If I do have to deselect some stuff because I?m using in Vista and it doesn?t apply to Vista like in XP then I think you guys should work on a build just for Vista.
PLEASE HELP!! I haven?t had my computer all week and I don?t want to have to send it back to Micro Center because of me using your product in Vista and it mess it up.
Two things to do before trying out any software product to insure you'll be able to get back to a previous state:
1. Manually make a System Restore point.
2. Download and install the freeware ERUNT, and make an ERUNT registry backup before installing software or allow it to do its daily backup automatically for you. ERUNT registry backups alone can save you if System Restore can't successfully restore your computer, well the registry part anyway which is often the main issue.
Two things to do before trying out any software product to insure you'll be able to get back to a previous state:
1. Manually make a System Restore point.
2. Download and install the freeware ERUNT, and make an ERUNT registry backup before installing software or allow it to do its daily backup automatically for you. ERUNT registry backups alone can save you if System Restore can't successfully restore your computer, well the registry part anyway which is often the main issue.
The guys at Micro Center said when they install Vista it automatically makes a restore point when you first start it up. Is ERUNT easy to use because I've never used a registry back up before? So if I had to do to use system restore and it is screwy with restore the registry to the most recent back up?? But my main question is... do all the options in the latest CClearner apply to Vista as well?? I don't use the advanced options. So that won't matter..
Micro Center told me don't reformat my computer unless it's do or die because with the screwy issues with my on board sound and the fact of the odd issue with my XP not being able to detect my creative card when I got computer home. They said if the computer gets home tomorrow and it detects my creative card right away it was an issue with XP but either way don't reformat myself even with Vista is something horrid happens because they dunno if I'd have the issue with the sound card if I did it myself.. to either bring it in or have my friend built the computer come and do it because he's had more experience with systems and bios and code etc but they're giving me all the drivers on a CD in cae I need too do it myself because they said they'd have it running flawless but may not have the sound card issue with Vista and if so open the case and make sure the cards all the way in.
ERUNT is to make a known good registry backup. It's really easy to use actually.
While your Vista setup may have made an initial restore point it's still important to manually make a restore point when installing software since not all software installers trigger the creation of a restore point.
I'm not a user of Vista however your issues could be hardware related. I'd look on the manufacturer website for the hardware device that's giving issues, often they'll have patches just for Vista users.
ERUNT is to make a known good registry backup. It's really easy to use actually.
While your Vista setup may have made an initial restore point it's still important to manually make a restore point when installing software since not all software installers trigger the creation of a restore point.
I'm not a user of Vista however your issues could be hardware related. I'd look on the manufacturer website for the hardware device that's giving issues, often they'll have patches just for Vista users.
Well the Micro Center people said that this sound card issue could just be with XP because I was using on board before hand and never attempted to use the Creative card in XP.. you know what I mean... he said Vista is better in the way that is has better auto detect but for some reason if it it's not detecting have your mom open your case and push the card into place etc and it should be fine.
Like when I told them I first got the computer back, I have DIAMOND Crossfire 1 gb's 4870 and weather I used the installer CD or downloaded the latest drivers from there site it wouldn't let me install the Catalyst control center it said it wasn't XP 32 bit compliant.. though they were the right drivers but when I downloaded MSI (my mobo) Catalyst control center for their video cards it worked fine. Micro Center told me just to download the control center direct from AMD's site so it'd be fine
But your product works the same way in Vista as XP yes?? Though you told me to use that back up thing when I use it in Vista like I've done in XP I shouldn't have any errors. Like all the stuff under your registry tab applies to Vista as well yes? because all that's checked under Registry basically orphaned files?
Lately, since I'm going to be using that registry back up program you told me about.. when I go to clean the registry with CCleaner and it prompts me to back up my registry file do I still have to press yes or I can I press no and just use ERUNT? I never backed up my registry in XP and never had issues.. but I also refused to use system restore because of issues I had years before... using it on my parents XP computer.
Believe me.. I am not keen about have to using Vista but they said if it clears the issues I've had with my Creative sound card driver wise it had something to do with XP and though my board is new enough to support XP that doesn't mean I wouldn't have issues with XP... They said to me like 5 times.. though Vista gets bad talked by people it's framework is newer concept that wasn't used in XP and my system may easily like it a lot better.. than it did XP.. because even if I bought a laptop now for general use of going out of the county etc 99.9% use some kind of Vista.
I am an XP lover but have used Vista before but if I had my way I would of used XP but my system still may of acted up with XP.