Could someone tell me where the list of Cookies to Keep is kept? I keep migrating computers and each time I have to re-build over time my list of Cookies to Keep. Seems pretty ridiculous. I tried to find this with the search box on the forum, but I couldn't. Sorry about the spam.
C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Cookies
C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<PROFILE>.default
dont know about others
edit sorry i miss read your reply
I know the entry is stored in the registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner\CookiesToSave "<here>"
If you are comfortable using the registry then you can use that. If not you may be able to do it with the .ini file.
But i know nothing about that so another user will have to assist.
By far the best way to do this would be as ident suggested, to save all settings to ini file.
This would save all settings not just cookies to keep.
Here's a link to the page that explains it. (Last entry)
Just a follow-on question:
After changing the advanced option to save the settings in an ini file and the ini file has been created, can you uncheck that option and go back to CCleaner using the registry for "normal" operation without causing a problem?
Just a follow-on question:
After changing the advanced option to save the settings in an ini file and the ini file has been created, can you uncheck that option and go back to CCleaner using the registry for "normal" operation without causing a problem?
Clearing the box will save the settings in the registry, then delete the ini file in the CCleaner folder without causing a problem.
I periodically backup an updated ini file to another media for safe keeping.
Saving the settings to an ini file essentially makes the program portable.
Both are really considered "normal" operation. It's a matter of personal preference.
Great, thanks! I was hoping it would operate just as you described.