CCleaner vs ATF

I really like CCleaner.

Has anyone compared what ATF.exe removes vs CCleaner? As soon as I finish running CCleaner, I run ATF (select all) and it always finds more files.


I don't trust anything that deletes with out giving a log of what it has done

From the description of it I think the reason it's deleting more is because when you're logged in as the Admin it can clean all users temp folders - something which has been requested countless times for CCleaner to do as well. Just use it along with CCleaner and you'll gave a good cleaning duo.

Thanks Andavari. I'll take your advice and continue using both.

It's my understanding that ATF Cleaner is for 2000/XP only. Is that true?

Any update as to whether CCleaner will incorporate the feature that will allow an Administrative user to wipe the temporary folders of all user accounts?

It's my understanding that ATF Cleaner is for 2000/XP only. Is that true?

That's what it states on the official website so yeah it's true.

Towards the bottom of this page, there is mention of Vista.

Notes for Windows Vista users:

On Windows Vista that "Windows Temp" is disabled, to empty "Windows Temp" ATF-Cleaner must be "Run as an Administrator"

Prefetch has been disabled on Windows Vista. As I'm not sure the effects that emptying prefetch on Windows Vista will have for the time being it I won't enable that function.

That would tell me that Vista is at least partially cleanable with ATF.