ccleaner - virustotal

Both virustotal and jotti identify a "Possible Threat!010437" when I scan ccleaner133.exe.

File size: 1493848 bytes

MD5: 40bd4f54632b17d28a5630b0beda3213

SHA1: b78311eb6ee4749bf2b49372fa7ef62be4a736ab

Jotti also identifies a packers: WISESFX DROPPER

Just wanted to confirm this is a false positives before installing.



Yes, it is a false positive. It seems to be happening alot lately.

We had an issue a few days ago:

As you can see in that topic, both Kaspersky and F-Prot fixed that false positive really fast.

Moreover, it seems that only Fortinet is detecting a 'possible threat', which constitutes no positive detection, but only a heuristic or behavioral one, perhaps due to the packer found.

As TM already said, it's just a FP and none of the AVs are actually flagging it as malware.

However, I have reported it.

Thanks to you both for the quick replies.


You're very welcome. :)