CCleaner very slow startup

I have a problem where when I click on CCleaner, it will open the usual GUI, but the "Analyze" and "Run CCleaner" buttons are unclickable for about ~15 seconds. I can still change settings and run registry scans during the time when it not able to be cleaning, so it's not a "not responding" problem. Any help very much appreciated.


Rheese G

This happens while ccleaner collects your applications. This almost invariably is due to a large winapp2 file. Are you, by chance, using this file or any ccleaner "enhancing" software

Yeah I'm using *A certain enhancing program* {Moderator Edited}. So that must be the problem, I guess I could do without it

Head over to

Read the first post ,paying special attention to the first two spoilers. That should fix your problem