Ccleaner version descrepancy - is this an issue?

I was checking for updates and noticed that the one for download on the Piriform website is an older version than the one I have installed, how can this be, and is there a glitch or hack?

Piriform website version: v5.44.6575 (26 Jun 2018)

Installed version: v5.45.6611

I downloaded v5.45 on July 24 2018 (I have a copy still in my download folder)

The version installed is noted in the left corner of the ccleaner window when open.

Is this an issue, or why isn't this shown in the version history or as a current download?

Below are snips from ccleaner and my downloads folder


dl v545.JPG

The version 5.45 was pulled from the downloads due to various issues with it and was replaced with the previous version.

We are awaiting a new build.

For information on why this happened see here

Thanks, I did not see it in the version history online.

Good to know it is not a different issue.