I stronly advise anyone to absolutely not upgrade to ccleaner version 7108. The prior version was really wonderful. This new version is really terrible. When you click on "tools" on the left side menu, the computer takes about 15 minutes in the "software updater" to check and see if all the programs on your computer are updated. This is mandatory, there is no way to opt out of this. If you try to click anything, while this updating search process is ongoing, such as clicking on "uninstall", it will crash the program. You have to click on the task manager in Windows 7, and "end task" the ccleaner program. So basically, every time I use the program, it will check for program updates, which i have no interest in whatsoever, and waste 15 minutes of my time. Then, to top off this mess, sometimes the updater comes back with an error message that it could not properly connect. Really poor design decision. Is there any way that I can go back to the older version? or am i screwed? This is now the worse designed software on my computer, by far.
you'll find previous versions on FileHippo.
Thanks, but the previous professional version, which is 5.54.7088, is not available anywhere for download. Only free versions of previous editions of ccleaner are available for download. So, i'm basically stuck with this new disfunctional version. Is it possible that Ccleaner can make the previous professional version available for download? If I download this previous version, do i need to completely delete the new version from my PC first? Or will it automatically overwrite the new version, and save all my settings ( cookies, included, excluded, etc.).
Usually it just overwrites the version you have.
Just enter your key in the free version (Options.. about)
Last sentence here state's if installing a freeware version it will auto-magically upgraded itself to Pro when it detects a valid license:
FileHippo.com has the previous version 5.54 (not sure if it will let you install it over the newer version though): https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/89882/
You may have to fiddle with the settings and turn off Automatic Updating if you downgrade, and you may have to disconnect from the Internet first to accomplish it before it automatically installs the newest version you're trying to avoid.
@Edward5932 We were having some server issues last night and this morning which slowed down or cancelled update requests. This should now be resolved, can you let me know if you are still experiencing this issue.
Hi Ben,
So, in other words, Ccleaner will not work at all if your server is having issues? Previous versions of Ccleaner worked fine when my computer was not connected to the internet. Now, Ccleaner works only if connected? But, if you servers are not working, then the program will crash. Great design. You need to let users opt out of this "updater" nightmare, at the very least. The program has completely lost its functionality.
The program should just show an error code if it can't reach the updater server. If you are experiencing a crash then this is a bug which will need further investigation.
The software updater should also not affect any of the other applications functionality.
Rather than give you an obscure error code, perhaps it would be better to just give a message saying the it was unable to get update information on a certain program, providing the use with the name of this program. I suggest that for future versions, the software updater should be placed last in the selection list, not first. Because it is placed as the first choice, it is always selected by default, forcing an annoying delay, and the usual error codes and program crashes. That small change will solve the problem as far as i'm concerned, because i never need to click on it. Awful software in its current form.