Ccleaner Version 2.17.853

Hi, I have Ccleaner 2.14.763, when I click for updates I get a prompt to download new version 2.17.853. The version I have seems to be working OK, so before I update I have some questions. Is it necessary to download this new version? What is different or better in this new one, and has anybody have had any problems with it?

I have Windos XP/SP3.

Thanks, edith

CCleaner v2.17.853

Added wiping of disk free space

Progress bar changed to go from 0 to 100%.

Improved Apple Safari history cleaning.

Improved speed of Uninstaller Tool.

Interface string changes and fixes.

Added Ukranian translation.

Installer language tweaks.

Minor architecture changes

CCleaner v2.16.830

Google Chrome v2.0 compatibility fixes.

Improved Firefox support when browser is open.

Improved SeaMonkey support.

Added Publisher to the uninstall tool.

Many translation updates.

Several updates to installer code.

Cookie options loading now fully threaded.

Lots of minor interface improvements.

Minor performance improvements.

CCleaner v2.15.815

Added command-line secure deletion.

e.g. ccleaner.exe /delete "folder\*.*|MyFile.txt"

Added Google Chrome thumbnail cleaning.

Moved language files to /lang folder.

Improved options cookie list browser detection.

Fixed minor bug in XP prefetch cleaning.

Fixed bug in IE History Index.dat cleaning.

Fixed two minor compatibility bugs with Win98.

Installer engine updates.

Minor architecture improvements.

Ah Change logs sooooo useful


There have been some "problems" with it but there are "problems" with each version of this (or any) software. and usually as you are as aware as I, they have to do with the program not being used correctly. However, if you ask me (which in a way you did) the change is seemless. I checked the Embedded INI (winmerge compare)and there were only the changes listed above in what is cleaned and how it is cleaned.

Ah Change logs sooooo useful


There have been some "problems" with it but there are "problems" with each version of this (or any) software. and usually as you are as aware as I, they have to do with the program not being used correctly. However, if you ask me (which in a way you did) the change is seemless. I checked the Embedded INI (winmerge compare)and there were only the changes listed above in what is cleaned and how it is cleaned.

Thanks Nergal for answering my question.
