CCleaner v5.55.7108 (64-Bit) upgrade error on Windows 10

Error: An error occurred with code: Failed To Make Connection (26)

After installation, this appears in the Tools area under Software Updater. An error pop up displays this message.

I've uninstalled this software, deleted all references to this software, and restarted the computer. Then installed a fresh copy.

Same error appears.

Is there a resolution to this issue?

Is there any way to disable the Software Updater as it may conflict with a software updater in another software like an anti-virus package?


I have the same problem. Earlier in the day it was working well and due to the report updated a few applications.

Same here- Windows 10 Version 1809 64 bit

Down Loaded the update today and got the same error. ccleaner 5.55 updater message "an error occured with code: Failed To Make Connection (26)"

same error message with the upgrade for me also 'an error occurred with code: Failed to make Connection(26)

what a mess..

error message ccleaner.PNG

What confuses me the most: at the homepage of Piriform (where I download the newest CCleaner versions - and only from there) it's stated that the "Software Updater" option was only for the "Pro" version and higher. Nowhere it is told that the user of the "Free" version would be "blessed" with this optional function, too.

I might have looked over it, of course. my b, then.^^

same error message with the upgrade for me also 'an error occurred with code: Failed to make Connection(26)

I took a look at it and this reported error is related to accessing the internet.

	It can easily be replicated by putting your computer into 'Flight Mode' and so disconnecting from the net.

	I suspect that in most cases it's firewall settings that are preventing CCleaner from accessing the net.

	I'm aware that many users have blocked CCleaner in their firewalls, or it may be AV settings that's blocking the Updater from accessing the net.

My Firewall is Norton's and CCleaner.exe has access to internet. Would Updater be something different than CCleaner.Exe??

My firewall does not prevent CCleaner. McAfee anti-virus handles the same thing. Plus, this Software Updater feature is supposed to be in the pro version, not in the free version.

How can this be disabled in CCleaner? Because CCleaner is a free, home version, I'd rather use the McAfee Software Updater. If I need to sue a company for any issues, a paid software has an obligation. A free software is installed at the users own risk.

I'd like a solution to disable the Software Updater in CCleaner.

12 minutes ago, Kirtland said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		 Would Updater be something different than CCleaner.Exe??

I only have CCleaner64.exe (I delete the other stuff) it would appear that the updater is built in to that but is something very different, - and I for one am not happy about it .

Worked, failed, works again. Nothing was intentionally changed on my end so I'm inclined to guess it is on the Piriform's cloud side.

By the way, the updater, based on my experience, is not automatic. You have to get involved in releasing an update. My preference has been to not directly use 3rd party update managers but to instead use the application's own update process or the author's website.

Not every application/product is tracked by ccleaner's updater. I appreciate the new feature but it's not going to solve all updating concerns or world hunger.