CCleaner v4.00.4064 not doing auto-update notification?

I am running v.4064 on 2 win 7 computers (One 32-bit, and one 64-bit (1st time installation/no AV yet) ), with check for Updates ticked (double checked)-

Neither of them reported a new version when opened (KIS AV temp disabled) , but when I ran FH Update Checker it reported that CCleaner 4.01.4093 is available!?

I then re-opened the CC Gui on both, and clicking the lower right check showed v.4093 is available?

I ran negative AV/Rootkit scans.

Q?- Is there a bug with .4093 & it is not being offered, or what...?

There is no bug with v4.01.4093, it seems that CCleaner just didn't present you with the update available notification, for some reason.