CCleaner v2.35

cclogo.pngWhether you're heading back to school this September, have fond memories of three-ring binders and fresh lined paper, or would rather forget about your school experiences, we've been busy working on CCleaner's features. This is a big update because we've added a lot of new cleaning abilities, supported software, and user interface improvements.

CCleaner v2.35.1219

  • Added Session Cleaning for Firefox and Google Chrome.
  • Added support for Google Chrome Canary Build.
  • Added support for SRWare Iron browser via Google Chrome rule.
  • Added support to clean custom Chromium based browsers.

    e.g. CustomLocation1=CHROME|C:ChromiumIronPortableProfileDefault


  • Added application support for Adobe Photoshop CS5, Adobe Illustrator CS5,

    Adobe ImageReady CS, Nero Burning ROM 10, Google Calendar Sync

    and Google Talk.

  • Improved application support for Adobe Photoshop CS3, Google Earth, Adobe Flash Player.
  • Added support to search Uninstall Tool items by Publisher.
  • Improved Custom Files and Folders accuracy to avoid duplicate reporting.
  • Improved Include/Exclude Options.
  • Improved Startup Tool functionality.
  • Improved Registry detection algorithm for Missing Shared Dlls.
  • Improved exception handling when cleaning W7 jumplist.
  • Updated URL references to use
  • Minor GUI tweaks and usability improvements.

Click here to download

View the full blog post

Great work as usual! :)

That should please all you SRWare Iron users :)

Guys, I don't mean to be aggressive, really, but you should NEVER, EVER activate options like "Added Session Cleaning for Firefox and Google Chrome" by default! I've lost both my sessions with over 40 tabs each! Doh!

Guys, I don't mean to be aggressive, really, but you should NEVER, EVER activate options like "Added Session Cleaning for Firefox and Google Chrome" by default! I've lost both my sessions with over 40 tabs each! Doh!

Were you experimenting with the options and then that made you go, "Oh, wait. :mellow: "


i did post about the new release on my Blog for the Arab community.