When running CCleaner v2.29.1111 on XP SP3 there is erroneous deletion of the 'System Restore Points'. Apparently someone on the programming staff doesn't do full regression testing, doesn't know the difference between the 'Recycle Bin' and the 'System Restore Points', was day dreaming instead of working or a combination of these poor excuses.
After starting CCleaner v2.29.1111 on my Gateway laptop (Windows XP Pro Ver 5.1.2600 SP3 Build 2600), and selecting 'Cleaner', 'Windows', 'System' and 'Empty Recycle Bin' not only is the 'Recycle Bin' emptied but all existing 'System Restore Points' are deleted with a single new one being created. It took a bit to figure this out. The 'Recycle Bin' is usually the 'C:\ RECYCLER' folder and the 'System Restore Points' are normally located in the 'C:\System Volume Information' folder. For whatever reason, both folders are being emptied when 'Empty Recycle Bin' is checked.
No 3rd party application should every be deleting anything from the 'System Volume Information' folder. They should only be adding restore points whenever the 3rd party software is about to change the system.
My work-around is to uncheck 'Empty Recycle Bin' and edit the 'ccleaner.ini' file to INCLUDE all 'RECYCLER' folders on all drives and EXCLUDE all 'System Volume Information' folders on all drives. This seems to be working. My next step will be to develop a script to create a 'System Restore Point' then start CCleaner since the un-checking of 'Empty Recycle Bin' prevents a 'System Restore Point' from being created.
The truth of the matter is CCleaner should ALWAYS create a 'System Restore Point' every time the 'Run Cleaner' button is used regardless of what is being deleted. Also, CCleaner should be creating a restore point every time it is installed or updated. The user should not have to worry about this type of system function. It should be standard procedure as part of the developer's responsibility.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
I APOLOGIZE and eat my words. The above described problem IS NOT a problem with CCleaner.
Additional research has made me realize that the deletion of my 'System Restore Points' happens whenever ANY program empties the 'Recycle Bin'. It even happens when I manually empty my 'Recycle Bin'. I have some other sort of problem going on with my system.
I'm S-O-O-O-O sorry for having blamed CCleaner.