I don't doubt what you say Martin, but I've just downloaded the slim version from the following link, and it came down very quick and intact.
Are you downloading from this link?
Edit: It appears you are, but give the link a try anyway.
Thanks for your incredibly fast reply, there, DennisD.
At first I thought it may be the .aspx suffix in my saved URL, so I tried your link. Unfortunately, the download quit at 35%.
I suppose this may be a problem for only us lame 56K dial-up folks. I say that because I am guessing that your ISP is not a dial-up service.
Thanks again for your response, DennisD. Like you, I wished it had worked.
EDITED . . . 5:15 PM CDT as follows . . .
Got it to work. ![:D]()
The problem appears to be my preferred browser choices - Firefox 3.0.6 and Opera 9.63
I hate IE6 with a passion and refuse to upgrade to IE7 or try the IE8 Beta. IE (in any form, in my experience) is excessively slow loading, poor security, miserably fails the ACID TESTS, etc. However, I tried my link as well as your link, DennisD, and both worked with IE6 version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_qfe.080814-1242.
Immediately after, I tried both Firefox 3.0.6 and Opera 9.63 and both failed AGAIN. Trying IE6 came to mind when I remembered another time when I discovered or was informed that a website had been optimized for Internet Explorer, because the web pages failed to load with Firefox or Opera. Perhaps that is what has happened at http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds.aspx or http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds.
Regardless, it looks like I will have to add http://www.ccleaner.com/download/builds to my IE6 Links - along with MSWindowsUpdates.
Thanks again for your support, DennisD.
Best regards,
Martin ![:D]()
P.S. To support my IE6 opinion, my current ACID TEST results include:
ACID TEST 2 http://www.webstandards.org/files/acid2/test.html
Opera 9.63 - PASSED
Firefox 3.0.6 - PASSED
IE6 fails miserably - not even close ![<_<]()
ACID TEST 3 http://acid3.acidtests.org/
Opera 9.63 fails, but reaches 84/100
Firefox 3.0.6 fails, but reaches 71/100
IE6 fails miserably at 12/100 - pathetic ![:blink:]()