CCleaner v2.1X.XXX - Slim <<-- FAILS TO DOWNLOAD

Hi all,

Once a new build of CCleaner is released and posted, I typically like to remove my existing CCleaner and install the new build.

I prefer the slim version, currently CCleaner v2.17.853 - Slim

In the last 36 hours (or so), I have tried to download this build 5 or 6 times and, while it starts, it never completes.

When this has happened in the passed, with other CCleaner - Slim builds, after 2 or 3 failed attempts, I just wait a week or so and the problem is resolved. This time, I am not as patient and I am 100% confident that my ISP connection is okay, as well as my O/S, browser(s) and download manager.

I now believe that this is a re-occurring theme - within the first day or two after new build is released where my CCleaner v2.XX.XXX - Slim download begins, but then fails to complete.

What is the issue with downloading CCleaner - Slim soon after it is added to the website noted above?



I don't doubt what you say Martin, but I've just downloaded the slim version from the following link, and it came down very quick and intact.

Are you downloading from this link?

Edit: It appears you are, but give the link a try anyway.

I don't doubt what you say Martin, but I've just downloaded the slim version from the following link, and it came down very quick and intact.

Are you downloading from this link?

Edit: It appears you are, but give the link a try anyway.

Thanks for your incredibly fast reply, there, DennisD.

At first I thought it may be the .aspx suffix in my saved URL, so I tried your link. Unfortunately, the download quit at 35%.

I suppose this may be a problem for only us lame 56K dial-up folks. I say that because I am guessing that your ISP is not a dial-up service.

Thanks again for your response, DennisD. Like you, I wished it had worked.


EDITED . . . 5:15 PM CDT as follows . . .

Got it to work. :D

The problem appears to be my preferred browser choices - Firefox 3.0.6 and Opera 9.63

I hate IE6 with a passion and refuse to upgrade to IE7 or try the IE8 Beta. IE (in any form, in my experience) is excessively slow loading, poor security, miserably fails the ACID TESTS, etc. However, I tried my link as well as your link, DennisD, and both worked with IE6 version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_qfe.080814-1242.

Immediately after, I tried both Firefox 3.0.6 and Opera 9.63 and both failed AGAIN. Trying IE6 came to mind when I remembered another time when I discovered or was informed that a website had been optimized for Internet Explorer, because the web pages failed to load with Firefox or Opera. Perhaps that is what has happened at or

Regardless, it looks like I will have to add to my IE6 Links - along with MSWindowsUpdates.

Thanks again for your support, DennisD.

Best regards,

Martin :D

P.S. To support my IE6 opinion, my current ACID TEST results include:


Opera 9.63 - PASSED

Firefox 3.0.6 - PASSED

IE6 fails miserably - not even close <_<


Opera 9.63 fails, but reaches 84/100

Firefox 3.0.6 fails, but reaches 71/100

IE6 fails miserably at 12/100 - pathetic :blink:

As I've mentioned in another post Martin, I think the slim build is only different because it's minus the Yahoo Toolbar option, which you can uncheck during the install.

I appreciate the slimmer build will come down for you quicker, but that's all I can suggest at the moment. If any of the other guys can think of a solution I'm sure they'll post it.

Thanks for posting back Martin, I've pointed that out to some others experiencing the same problem.

Once a new build of CCleaner is released and posted, I typically like to remove my existing CCleaner and install the new build.

Well that is a bad move Martin thats if you don't mind loosing all your setting and Cookies to Keep. If your using the ini option then you will need to move ccleaner.ini to another folder before uninstalling then move it back before you run the newer version. Just install over the top of the previous version. ;)

I had the same problem with dialup and FF and Free Download Manager. I went to Major Geeks and downloaded the new slim version with no problems.

Well that is a bad move Martin thats if you don't mind loosing all your setting and Cookies to Keep. If your using the ini option then you will need to move ccleaner.ini to another folder before uninstalling then move it back before you run the newer version. Just install over the top of the previous version. ;)

Good point, Keithuk.

Fortunately, for the past 2 years I have saved my .ini file in a separate directory. Once the new version of CCleaner is installed, I copy my backup .ini to the newly created CCleaner directory.


I had the same problem with dialup and FF and Free Download Manager. I went to Major Geeks and downloaded the new slim version with no problems.

Looks like Major Geeks website lags behind FileHippo and the CCleaner website regarding the availability of new releases. Therefore, I have not been able to share the same experience, grewowl2. However, thanks for the tip - I shall try MG again.


As I've mentioned in another post Martin, I think the slim build is only different because it's minus the Yahoo Toolbar option, which you can uncheck during the install.

I appreciate the slimmer build will come down for you quicker, but that's all I can suggest at the moment. If any of the other guys can think of a solution I'm sure they'll post it.

I am reposting my initial problem again because I thought that it was resolved by using Internet Explorer. IE may have worked ONCE before, but this morning it has the EXACT SAME PROBLEM that I discribed with FF3 and Opera.

What is wrong with the CCleaner website and the Slim version, Piriform?

Is it that Piriform does not truthfully want us using the slim version?

Is the truth simply that Piriform wants everyone to use the fat-overhead, Yahoo-toolbar, crap marketing, full version?

What is it? Please be honest and truthful because this is really starting to piss me off.

As a consultant, I have recommended Piriform products to over a thousand clients. Given this OBVIOUS and REPEATING problem, I am less than 24 hours away from instructing my clients to REMOVE all Piriform products because they are no longer reliable - at least not in the consistent manner that has been the norm the last couple of years, less the last months with the Slim download problem - which has been a real pain in the ass.

Maybe its time we all droppped CCleaner and use other products like Free Internet Window Washer 2.5

Disappointed again,

Martin Smithson

I am reposting my initial problem again because I thought that it was resolved by using Internet Explorer. IE may have worked ONCE before, but this morning it has the EXACT SAME PROBLEM that I discribed with FF3 and Opera.

What is wrong with the CCleaner website and the Slim version, Piriform? Is it that Piriform does not truthfully want us using the slim version? Is the truth simply that Piriform wants everyone to use the fat-overhead, Yahoo-toolbar, crap marketing, full version? What is it? Please be honest and truthful because this is really starting to piss me off. As a consultant, I have recommended Piriform products to over a thousand clients and I am less than 24 hours away from telling everyone to drop all Piriform products because they are no longer reliable in the consistent manner that has been the norm the last couple of years - less the last 2 months with this Slim download problem B.S.

Maybe its time we all droppped CCleaner and use other products like Free Internet Window Washer 2.5

Disappointed again,

Martin Smithson

LOL! I don't mean to laugh but your conspiracy theory is unwarranted. I just downloaded the new version of CCleaner Slim through their website at around 7:45 this morning. I think you need to check your network and Internet settings before you start crying wolf. Just because you have a problem, doesn't mean the whole world has one and that there's some sort of conspiracy out there.

Take care,


LOL! I don't mean to laugh but your conspiracy theory is unwarranted. I just downloaded the new version of CCleaner Slim through their website at around 7:45 this morning. I think you need to check your network and Internet settings before you start crying wolf. Just because you have a problem, doesn't mean the whole world has one and that there's some sort of conspiracy out there.

Take care,


Interesting perspective.

Glad to hear that you have not had any problems. Thanks for the sarcasm and for not offering constructive criticism.

I have had the exact same problem on 56 independent PCs, swagger. All differing networks, many stand-alone.


Don't get sensitive now... You basically attacked Piriform and their intentions. All I did was tell you that I had no problems downloading the slim version, indicating that this was not a worldwide issue that Piriform has somehow created in an effort to make you install the Yahoo toolbar. Also, they do give you the option to NOT install the toolbar in the installation process. If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen.


Martin I have just been here

and downloaded the slim build.

I can assure you there is no conspiracy here, sometimes it can take a few hours for different builds to get on the servers but there is usually no problems. Perhaps re assessing some of your internet/firewall settings may help, as you seem to have a history of download problems with this. Also give it a try without using a download manager.

I've had no problems downloading slim build... ever (well in just over 2 years I've been using it at a guess). I have only ever used Firefox or Opera and only ever download from, however I have had a few corrupted downloads on other software and it turned out to be my download manager so it might be that Martin.

I know some Internet services slow down at peak times too.

I don't want to drop CCleaner, I love it thanks. So just reporting no problems in my neck of the woods (England, UK) with the download site.

Don't get sensitive now... You basically attacked Piriform and their intentions. All I did was tell you that I had no problems downloading the slim version, indicating that this was not a worldwide issue that Piriform has somehow created in an effort to make you install the Yahoo toolbar. Also, they do give you the option to NOT install the toolbar in the installation process. If you can't take the heat, stay out the kitchen.


removed rude comment

Martin I have just been here

and downloaded the slim build.

I can assure you there is no conspiracy here, sometimes it can take a few hours for different builds to get on the servers but there is usually no problems. Perhaps re assessing some of your internet/firewall settings may help, as you seem to have a history of download problems with this. Also give it a try without using a download manager.

Understood - hazelnut . . . if you review my initial post, you will find that this was something that I was aware of (more days, than hours, based on my experience, however) "I just wait a week or so and the problem is resolved."

At this time, the problem remains - after another round of 56 PCs.

Interestingly, I have no problems at Major Geeks - therefore, the only conclusion is a problem with the server(s) associated with as accessed from 56 PCs in the Saint Paul and Minneapolis metropolitan area of Minnesota.


I've had no problems downloading slim build... ever (well in just over 2 years I've been using it at a guess). I have only ever used Firefox or Opera and only ever download from, however I have had a few corrupted downloads on other software and it turned out to be my download manager so it might be that Martin.

I know some Internet services slow down at peak times too.

I don't want to drop CCleaner, I love it thanks. So just reporting no problems in my neck of the woods (England, UK) with the download site.

Glad to hear you have had no problems and have successfully accessed the site from the UK, robocod.

Like you, prior to my initial post of Feb 28 2009 at 05:51 PM, I only used FF or Opera and never had problems. Never used a DLM since the, SLIM version, files have always been under 1MB.

Interestingly, I have no problems at Major Geeks - therefore, the only conclusion is a problem with the server(s) associated with as accessed from 56 PCs in the Saint Paul and Minneapolis metropolitan area of Minnesota.



> Have successfully downloaded SLIM with Opera 9.64 - one transfer down, fifty-five to go (all accomplished via remote connection).

> Sucess on 2 thru 10 of 56 PCs - as stated in my initial post, dated 28 FEB 09, I just wait a week or so and the problem is resolved - this time I waited (or so) - it must be the CCleaner server(s).


> All good things must wait... problem returns to CCleaner server(s) - whether Firefox 3.07, Opera 9.64, or IE.

> No problem with Major Geeks - their servers have no problems.

Welcome to Piriform Martin.

Good point, Keithuk.

Fortunately, for the past 2 years I have saved my .ini file in a separate directory. Once the new version of CCleaner is installed, I copy my backup .ini to the newly created CCleaner directory.

Well to tell you the truth I've only just started to use the ini option. I've always gone into the registry and saved the settings to a reg file. Its a bit more convenient using the ini, I also use the Recuva ini option. ;)

Welcome to Piriform Martin.

Well to tell you the truth I've only just started to use the ini option. I've always gone into the registry and saved the settings to a reg file. Its a bit more convenient using the ini, I also use the Recuva ini option. ;)

Good to hear, Keithuk.

I chose a slightly different path and created a simple batch file (with desktop icon) that does it all for me in a single click... where, from my PCs root directory, ccl.bat = copy "C:\Program Files\CCleaner_INI_file\ccleaner.ini" "C:\Program Files\CCleaner"

Perhaps a similar batch file would save you the inconvenience.
