CCleaner v2.18


The new release of CCleaner for March adds support for IE8 and improves on many of the existing features! See below for additonal changes:

CCleaner v2.18.878

  • Added support for Internet Explorer 8.
  • Improved Wipe Free Space routines.
  • Improved internal communication between threads.
  • Escape key no longer closes CCleaner.
  • Added scrolling to Options screen.
  • Added support for multiple DetectFile options in INI files.
  • Fixed bug when clicking links to navigate to URL.
  • Fixed Win98 progress bar problem.
  • Fixed repaint problem on Options screen when resizing.
  • Minor GUI bugs fixed.

Click here to visit the site and to download

View the full blog post

Great MrG ;) Testing it right now...

Good to see support is already available for IE8 ;)

So many fixes and improvements...

I just want to say thanks for each and every one of them.

Best CCleaner ever.


This is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong. :huh:

Suppose I "Analyze" first before I click on "Run Cleaner", so it analyzes and give out results. Then when Run Cleaner is clicked, the whole "Analyzing" process is repeated and then it gets deleted. I'd suggest using temp cache to record all logs (location) while analyzing, so now either way (first, analyzing, OR second, direct run cleaner) it executes faster. If this implemented already then its great :rolleyes:

Welcome to Piriform risvile.

This is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong. :huh:

Suppose I "Analyze" first before I click on "Run Cleaner", so it analyzes and give out results. Then when Run Cleaner is clicked, the whole "Analyzing" process is repeated and then it gets deleted. I'd suggest using temp cache to record all logs (location) while analyzing, so now either way (first, analyzing, OR second, direct run cleaner) it executes faster. If this implemented already then its great :rolleyes:

If you wnat to save the record of what has been analyzed then I would suggest you analyze then right-click on the results windows and select Save to text file... and save it somewhere safe.

I really don't know why users want to analyze because it will just show a list of files or folders that are going to be cleaned. You can't right-click on a file or folder and select clean this only. ;)

I really don't know why users want to analyze


I want to.

I need to - if I do not know what is about to go I lack the courage to clean ! !

Additionally, I use the Portable variant of CCleaner,

so when a new version is available I unzip it to another folder,

and copy across the previous CCleaner.ini file.

Then I can analyze without cleaning with each version, one after the other,

and if there are differences between what they want to zap,

I know I am venturing into the unknown and have something else to worry about ! !

Almost always I find no difference between the results,

so can use the new with no concern about increased aggression.

I would like the option to select for cleaning exclusion any items in the analyze list that I wish to preserve,

but I almost never see anything of that nature, and if I did I could always defer cleaning for another day.

An even better option would be for deletion into the recycle bin,

then I can defer final permanent deletion until the next day AFTER AND IF it reboots cleanly ! !

My 4 year old computer came without discs.

Windows was pre-installed and has never been re-installed - I hope to keep it that way.



Hi Alan.

I know what it does. After you do an analysis what do you do? Just clean or don't bother. You can't select certain files or folder and just clean those. So what do you gain from doing an analysis? ;)

Hi Keith

If Analyze finds something I have any doubt about, then :-

1. I refrain from ALL cleaning until I am confident, then

2. I uncheck relevant CCleaner options until Analyze omits the items I worry about, then

3. I clean the stuff that both CCleaner and I agree upon, then

4. Search the Internet for further information upon the consequences of cleaning those items, then

5. re-adjust the CCleaner options to additionally remove the items that I then agree are safe to remove.

Additional / alternative actions would be :-

Manually delete into the recycle bin the things I want to retain, and after cleaning restore from the Recycle Bin, or

Specify these items in Options => Exclude.

What I gain is a 4 year old machine that has never needed re-installation of Windows.

Acer sold this Laptop with XP pre-installed, and WITHOUT CDs, so re-installation is not a viable option.

