CCleaner v2.17


We've released a new build of CCleaner with free space wiping and improve progress indication! See below for additonal changes:

CCleaner v2.17.853

  • Added wiping of disk free space.
  • Progress bar changed to go from 0 to 100%.
  • Improved Apple Safari history cleaning.
  • Improved speed of Uninstaller Tool.
  • Interface string changes and fixes.
  • Added Ukranian translation.
  • Installer language tweaks.
  • Minor architecture changes.
  • Minor bug fixes.

Click here to visit the site and to download

View the full blog post

Does this new version fully support Safari 4 beta?

Thanks MrG! :)

Just wondering if the 'Wipe free space' drive selection box is supposed to have this layout:

or it should be a dropdown menu, since as is it's quite uncomfortable to use :unsure:

Thanks Piriform... I like the new changes (0-100% progress bar and wiping of disk free space). Keep it up!

Thanks MrG! :)

Just wondering if the 'Wipe free space' drive selection box is supposed to have this layout:

or it should be a dropdown menu, since as is it's quite uncomfortable to use :unsure:

Mine looks just like yours. Maybe in the next version, Piriform can make the scroll down box customizable so that users with more than 1-2 drives can make the height of the box larger. Just a suggestion.

Thanks MrG. for listening us ;)

UPDATE: you guys should take a chance to read this:

What a terrific update MrG.

Must ask if the Free Space Wipe has any negative effect on files already on the drive? One cannot afford to lose data :) As a suggestion-it would be useful to include a message for new users about this/

Keep up the great work.

What does wiping disk free space actually do?

I have just updated the new version. I would like to know when I use the Startup section under Tools, what the difference is between Disable and Delete. I know it should be obvious, but what I want to do is stop so many things running in the background and slowing down my computer. So basically can I use this section for that and does Delete get rid of it from the computer. Which of course we dont want. :rolleyes: And obviously as you can all see I know diddlesquat about the innards of computers, and would hate to delete something I shouldn't. Thanks for any help you can give me.

This section of the ccleaner documentation should answer you question kinty

I got a load of Windows errors after running the free space overwrite, posted HERE

This section of the ccleaner documentation should answer you question kinty

Thank you so much hazelnut, and such a speedy reply. I have read it through and it explains it perfectly...I have bookmarked that page too. :D

The half visible options on the settings page you can fix yourself guys.

Just drag the bottom edge of CCleaner down a touch until it appears properly.


It retains the new dimensions.

I don't get the percentage progress bar.

I don't get the percentage progress bar.

What do you mean exactly? Can you post a screenshot?

What do you mean exactly? Can you post a screenshot?

The only differences I see in relation to the progress bar are that it completes in one line and doesn't repeat. I don't see a percentage number.

This is normal, there isn't a numbered percentage display, just one pass of the indicator now. 0 to 100%

I love this program but since I downloaded and installed the newest version it starts running then quits and closes on its own. I have removed and reinstalled it several times

Under options >advanced Keath, do you have ''close program after cleaning'' ticked?

Thanks MrG! :)

Just wondering if the 'Wipe free space' drive selection box is supposed to have this layout:

or it should be a dropdown menu, since as is it's quite uncomfortable to use :unsure:

You have to make the window larger to see that part of it (I'm sure that they'll fix it in the next version)