CCleaner v2.15 and v2.16

CCleaner v2.15.815 and v2.16.830 don't find junk files at all.

v2.14.763 can find them without any problem.




Welcome to Piriform Jun.

CCleaner v2.15.815 and v2.16.830 don't find junk files at all.

v2.14.763 can find them without any problem.


What are you calling junk files? Anything in Windows\Temp folder is junk, Temporary Internet Files are junk unless you use the same sites regularly. Most cookies are junk unless you visit sites that need a username and password and you can select these sites on Options\Cookies and transfer them to the Cookies to Keep listbox. There is also a checkbox in Options\Advanced that says Only delete files in Windows\Temp folders older than 48 hours remove the checkmark.

I've been using CC for two and half years and it works perfectly anytime with any version I've used. Are you sure v2.16.830 is out, I haven't seen it on FileHippo. Where did you download it from? ;)

Are you sure v2.16.830 is out, I haven't seen it on FileHippo. Where did you download it from? ;)

I was just going to post another thread until I seen this. It's on CCleaner's website but for some reason there are no 2.16.830 portable or slim versions. Those 2 are still both 2.15.815 :o Any ideas moderators?

CCleaner Download page

Those versions seem to be listed now.

Those versions seem to be listed now.

They sure are.. Noticed that as well. Thanks hazelnut

Those versions seem to be listed now.

Yes they are now Hazel but they weren't earlier. They are also in Announcements now. ;)

Ok I downloaded and installed CCleaner 2.16.830 last night and it works just the same as all the other versions. It deletes everything in Windows\Temp, Temporary Internet Files, Start Recent Documents, Run: files, AVG log files and Cookies that I don't want to keep. ;)

No version of CC has deleted the office Recent Documents on Win98SE or WinXP. There have been may reports about that on here but that doesn't bother me that much.