I dont speak english , very well
I had version 277 and I have installed the version V1 29 295 on my computer
Its all good
But my personnals parameters for scratching files don't scrath them WHY ?
thank you
I dont speak english , very well
I had version 277 and I have installed the version V1 29 295 on my computer
Its all good
But my personnals parameters for scratching files don't scrath them WHY ?
thank you
I dont understand what you are saying...
CCleaner V1 29 295 is on my computer . in this version i can't clean customs files and folders i put in Custum options WHY ?
others functions are all right
Whith older version it's correct WHY ?
in this version i can't clean customs files and folders i put in Custum options WHY ?
Thanks Andavari , It' s all right .
i want to wash up a .dat file that sits in the documents and settings folder
I customized ccleaner by selecting the said file
I ticked as advised customs files in the cleaner menu
Nothing works.
Can someone explain me what is the appropriate procedure.
You need to be more specific about what the .dat file is named, otherwise you may end up trying to remove something that shouldn't be messed with and possible break your installation of Windows.
If it's index.dat those are Windows\Internet Explorer created files and CCleaner will empty them on reboot, however as soon as the computer starts they will be rebuilt by Windows and will have a minimum filesize of I think 16KB, albeit they won't contain any identifiable information until you use Internet Explorer again.
If it's something like ntuser.dat, that definitely shouldn't be messed with by trying to delete it because it's a part of the Windows registry.
i want to wash up a .dat file that sits in the documents and settings folder
I customized ccleaner by selecting the said file
I ticked as advised customs files in the cleaner menu
Nothing works.
Can someone explain me what is the appropriate procedure.
Actually, it is ntuser.dat. 7mb big.
Is that an appropriate size?
By the way, my pc starts very slowly even after i run ccleaner.
What other program would you suggest to finish tuning?
To reduce/compact/defrag the registry use one of the following. Both have the same end result in that they can make the registry smaller by a few percentages:
Make sure you get the full package that also contains ERUNT because it’s a top-knotch program for backing up the registry, and can really save you allot of trouble if System Restore fails.
Shows you the before and after size of each registry file before you commit to compacting it.
Both are completely freeware, and don't install any adware or spyware.
Actually, it is ntuser.dat. 7mb big.
Is that an appropriate size?
I would follow Andavari's advise and leave that alone.
By the way, my pc starts very slowly even after i run ccleaner.
Also, a slow PC isn't necessarily a tuning problem. You could have spyware as well which will slow down your PC. Also, which OS are you running?
First, follow this guide.
Then, post here.
Hope you get it straightened out.
I would follow Andavari's advise and leave that alone.
Also, a slow PC isn't necessarily a tuning problem. You could have spyware as well which will slow down your PC. Also, which OS are you running?
First, follow this guide.
Then, post here.
Hope you get it straightened out.
Actually, it is XP Pro.
I will run NTRegopt. I am already using SpyBot Research Destroy & Adware & 1st Click Spy Clean.
Hi Fox
It is known that at one stage 1ClickSpyClean was using a stolen database from Spybot Search & Destroy.
Info Here:
Actually, it is XP Pro.
I will run NTRegopt. I am already using SpyBot Research Destroy & Adware & 1st Click Spy Clean.
Also, Spybot and Adware aren't enough to determine if your PC is clean. If you truly want to check your PC please follow the instructions that I listed above. NTRegopt isn't a bad idea, but a thorough check would be good if your PC is running really slow.