CCleaner V AGG PC Analysis

I recently updated my AVG and noticed there was a new PC Analysis facility.

On running this it detected 141 registry errors - which I found a little odd as it was not too long ago I completely rebuilt my machine (ACER Aspire 8930 running Vista).

Today I subacribed and downloaded CCleaner - hoping it would resolve said problems.

CCleaner detected many registry problems (forgot to note how many), which it then 'fixed'.

However, on rerunning the AVG PC Analysis, 141 errors were still being reported!

I took three screen dumps of the errors which can be seen here

Am I expecting too much of CCleaner?

Hi Don , and welcome to the forum.

Spookily enough, an answer I've just posted to an earlier thread tonight should also answer your query.

Hope so.


Thank you Dennis, useful information.

Actually AVG now offer a regisrty cleaner for ?22 per year (not surprising I suppose).

Now not sure if I should bother or not as it seems it did not pick up the errors that CCleaner identified - now explanied in your other posting.

Once you start looking into the subject of registry cleaning Don, you'll find two completely opposing views. Those that think it's a complete waste of time and will make no difference to how a computer runs, and those that don't.

Both made by knowledgeable people.

My feeling is that when I remove software from my computer I like to remove it completely, or as completely as possible, including it's registry entries. What I don't want is a registry cleaner ripping apart my registry to find every single trace.

Whether it makes my computer run better is hard to determine, but I believe it has to be a positive thing to clear out as many undesirable program remnants as possible, and to do that as safely as possible. I think CCleaner does that.

Just my two penneth, and I hope it helps.