CCleaner v.3.09.1493 will NOT install!

At first I thought it was a corrupted file, but then I downloaded it 3 times from 3 different links on, then I downloaded it 3 times from 3 different links (2 links failed, the "in case it doesn't work, click here") from - All have the same results. It goes through the Agreement Policy, then the selection of features you want installed, then finally to the installation bar - in which it completely refuses to pass the first step - it sticks at "Please wait, installing CCleaner..." and it stays there forever. I've tried leaving it there for 20minute straight, for up to 3 different downloaded files, from both FireFox and Google Chrome (in case for some reason the browser was corrupting the file). So, I'm still on 3.08 and it will not let me install it, no matter what... Please help!!

OS version?

(if vista/Windows7)are you running the installer as admin (UAC)?

Try clearing your browser cache.

Also have you tried using IE to download?

I had this issue, but a rerun of the installer fixed it.

OS version?

(if vista/Windows7)are you running the installer as admin (UAC)?

I have Windows XP 32-bit, I clean my Cache every single time that I close my browser... I clean my comp with CCleaner and Defraggler on a daily basis, every single day that I'm on my computer. Yes, I am the owner and admin of this computer - I have full rights and privileges to do whatever I want to it...

I had this issue, but a rerun of the installer fixed it.

I tried rerunning each downloaded file up to 5 times each before I gave up (and the only way it closed out was I had to force it to close out via Windows Task Manager).

To the other person, no, I haven't tried IE8 yet, but I just didn't see any point in trying that one because it's ALWAYS worked for Firefox and Google Chrome for the past oh... 40+ versions that I've been using it...

To the other person, no, I haven't tried IE8 yet, but I just didn't see any point in trying that one because it's ALWAYS worked for Firefox and Google Chrome for the past oh... 40+ versions that I've been using it...

Of course there's a point, it might work!!

Computers are so strange as I am sure you know.

Just give IE8 a try so we can cross it off the list of things tried.

By the way what security software are you running in realtime (firewall, av, etc)

I agree, we're down to the point where it could possibly be one of the two things below

1) your Security software is stopping the install or download


2) some malware is stopping the install (yes this HAS been known to happen)

Of course there's a point, it might work!!

Computers are so strange as I am sure you know.

Just give IE8 a try so we can cross it off the list of things tried.

By the way what security software are you running in realtime (firewall, av, etc)

I tried IE8, didn't work... Same exact results. I'm using the standard Windows Firewall and I have not changed its settings, not received any updates, not made a single change to my computer since the last CCleaner update.... So, I guess the only thing left to consider is how to remove the malware that be causing this. I have Spyware Doctor trial run and ClamAV (Now Immunet 3.0) free version for my anti-virus, I run a virus scan once a week using Spyware doctor and once a month using ClamAV.

The only thing that has changed is for some reason, as of late, a program by the name of "agent.exe" has been running occasionally and using up 50% of my CPU, I have no idea where it's from or how to stop it. Other than that, CCleaner is the only thing that refuses to install, I just installed an update for Notepad++ like 5 days ago, worked fine, not a single problem...

So this answer is from a info-aggregator (which I don't really like pushing articles from but)

make sure agent is running from where it's supposed to be or it may indeed be malware. . . as this is a possible hijack case, I cannot provide anymore help (at least until you've a clean bill of health)

Please follow the instructions here in our spyware hell forum, then post the results in that same forum.

So this answer is from a info-aggregator (which I don't really like pushing articles from but)


make sure agent is running from where it's supposed to be or it may indeed be malware. . . as this is a possible hijack case, I cannot provide anymore help (at least until you've a clean bill of health)

Please follow the instructions here in our spyware hell forum, then post the results in that same forum.

OK, so I checked out those articles you gave me for the agent and the agent does NOT exist in ANY of the files mentioned... It just doesn't exist, period... Also, I ran MBAM for a quick scan then a full scan and removed ALL Malware from my computer. The computer still won't install CCleaner and agent.exe still runs at 50% CPU usage. Also, the guide you gave me to the piriform help forum post, the OTL link is completely broken and/or has no link enabled... I didn't post the results because I don't understand the need to, seriously, it didn't fix the problem so what's the need to post the results of the scan??

Anthony the OTL link is not broken, it works I've just tested it. It is linked to a file download. Perhaps something you still have on your computer is stopping you from seeing it.

The very fact that you had malware which Malwarebytes removed means that you had a problem, *and could still have*.

Posting your logs in the Spyware Hell part of the forum is what you need to do. You don't need to worry about people judging you for having got 'caught' by malware, it happens to thousands of people.

If you go to any other malware removal forum you will be asked to post logs of a certain type there as well, it's the only way they can help you. They also have special malware removal tools they can ask you to run under their guidance.

It is of course up to you.

agent is a protected system file, do you have those hidden? If you don't believe you are infected then another option is some has gone awry in your PC's installer, which might make sense as agent in part of an updater/installer. If you kill agent's process, will ccleaner install? Have you tried to install anything else? Have you tried portable ccleaner (found on the downloads page under other builds)

agent is a protected system file, do you have those hidden? If you don't believe you are infected then another option is some has gone awry in your PC's installer, which might make sense as agent in part of an updater/installer. If you kill agent's process, will ccleaner install? Have you tried to install anything else? Have you tried portable ccleaner (found on the downloads page under other builds)

Portable CCleaner runs properly but it doesn't install. I can't kill the file, my computer won't let me. It's not hidden, I have everything opened up. I've tried installing multiple other programs and updates, every single one of them works exactly fine...

To Hazelnut -

Well I can't put up my logs now because I accidentally cleared them with CCleaner 3.08 -.- Some went back as far as May of last year (because I previously had it installed but it ended up doing more damage then good).

And the OTL link HAS to be broken, there's no way that my DAP is not downloading that file because DAP is NOT broken. I just downloaded 17 other files to prove that it works, every single one of them works... I'm telling you, the only problems I'm having is with agent.exe and CCleaner 3.09.1439.... Defraggler 2.06 installed without ANY problems...

C:\Program Files\ClamAV for Windows\3.0.2\agent.exe

According to Process Explorer 15.1 this is the proper location of the file for agent.exe. This is COMPLETELY different from the file location that your links had on it... I found the file in the folder with ClamAV, but I'm unable to delete it or end the process at all... Also, I finally was able to get the OTL download link to work by refreshing the page an infinite number of times...

You so misunderstand your situation, and have ridiculous expectations of CCleaner.

You say you cannot kill the file.

What file ?

If you are referring to agent.exe then obviously you are lacking in skill or something will not let it go.

If you cannot delete then a GENTLE cleaner such as CCleaner will not tear the guts out of your system to make it go.

Either agent.exe is a vital system file that is protected from deletion by the foolish,

or it is the result of a malware infestation.

Incidentally Portable CCleaner NEVER installs - you just unzip it to any place you choose and run it.

I use the portable version and Windows "Program Features" cannot detect CCleaner as something to Uninstall, Change, or Repair;

and even CCleaner itself under Tools / Uninstall does not see that it is available to Uninstall etc.

Please note that the important thing about Spyware Hell is that you do not need any logs that have been lost.

You need to follow the instructions at the head of that forum and THAT produces the logs which need analysis.

At Spyware Hell you will be given guidance upon what files need removal and links to tools that will do the job.

Comparing the power of Spyware tools with CCleaner is like comparing a heart surgeon's tools with acne ointment.

C:\Program Files\ClamAV for Windows\3.0.2\agent.exe

According to Process Explorer 15.1 this is the proper location of the file for agent.exe. This is COMPLETELY different from the file location that your links had on it... I found the file in the folder with ClamAV, but I'm unable to delete it or end the process at all... Also, I finally was able to get the OTL download link to work by refreshing the page an infinite number of times...

This also suggests failure to understand.

It seems to me unlikely that such a tool would tell you the PROPER location for "agent.exe".

I suggest the tool actually tells you the CURRENT location of the file, and says nothing about the safety or otherwise.

The possibilities that spring to mind are :-

Your ClamAV protection is very greedy in its use of your processor and internet, or

Your ClamAV has detected its virus actions and attempted to shift it from where it was and into quarantine.

The probability is you need to visit Spyware Hell.

This also suggests failure to understand.

It seems to me unlikely that such a tool would tell you the PROPER location for "agent.exe".

I suggest the tool actually tells you the CURRENT location of the file, and says nothing about the safety or otherwise.

The possibilities that spring to mind are :-

Your ClamAV protection is very greedy in its use of your processor and internet, or

Your ClamAV has detected its virus actions and attempted to shift it from where it was and into quarantine.

The probability is you need to visit Spyware Hell.

I've been to Spyware Hell and I just fixed the agent.exe thank you very much.... I uninstalled ClamAV / Immunet 3.0, cleaned the registry, restarted the comp, reinstalled it, and now it works just fine with no agent.exe running...

sounds like the agent that is taking cpu is not the agent I linked to, but instead it is part of your Anitvirus. You said you couldn't find it but you did. Turn off activescan in clamav & try. Others have been reporting clamav based false positives in the installer for 3.09. This is likely what is occurring for you.

Wow, that was fast.

Glad you got it fixed so quick.

Thanks for the feedback.