CCleaner Uninstall Feature

In Tools -> Uninstall of CCleaner, I found some programs that were not listed in my Add/Remove Panel.

They are:


SPBBC (I think its from Norton, but then again, I'm not sure)

Suite Specific


WebFldrs XP

I'm wondering, are they spyware entries?

Here's a database of Uninstall entries. It may be of help:

Also, Google for anything unknown; that might provide you with additional pointers.

They are ms windows and norton hidden system files. I am not sure it is wise for Ccleaner to show these in the uninstall list

I am not sure it is wise for Ccleaner to show these in the uninstall list

Agreed! Although the CC uninstall list loads tons faster than that of Windows I do wish it was capable of hiding sub-components that are only part of a main applications uninstallation.