I updated to version 5.45.6611 today and I noticed the exit option is gone to close the ccleaner tray icon.
Is it gone for good?
I updated to version 5.45.6611 today and I noticed the exit option is gone to close the ccleaner tray icon.
Is it gone for good?
You disable monitoring and the icon still says it's monitoring. I want to get rid of this icon and monitoring!
Today's release has had other report that monitoring won't turn off. Hopefully the developers will fix this as it wasn't broken til today's release.
You may want to read my post about the latest version. 5.45.6611
As I think this will bother a lot of people who use CCleaner
I found a workaround, I assume you already unchecked monitoring and kill the ccleaner process in task manager
I've done this both on my desktop windows 10 enterprise ccleaner free v5.45.6611 and laptop windows 10 home ccleaner pro v5.45.6611
1. Delete the file or Move file different folder C:\windows\system32\Tasks\CCleaner Update.exe
2. Disable or delete ccleaner update on task scheduler
I downgraded to version 5.43. CCleaner is just a total mess right now.
Hey Hopper15,
Thanks for your feedback, please see the following thread for the latest information on this topic
Hi all,
Even with "Enable Active Monitoring" disabled (unticked), the icon still here.
Release 5.74.8198
This thread is from 2 years ago, things have changed.
As well as the Active Monitoring above - In v5.74.#### if you don't want to see the icon in the system tray then you also have to turn off "Keep CCleaner updated automatically".
PS. That doesn't use many resources by being left turned on and the icon sitting there, it just checks once every 12 hours if there is a new version.
Yeah I saw it was open long time ago, but as I was used to untick this Monitoring parameter in the past, I was thinking it was a bug.
I don't want each app keep running in background to auto-update, even if it's low resources consuming when every apps do this, you have GB of RAM wasted + CPU time + Internet bandwith. When you imagine that each CCleaner users who let this by default, you obtain a participation in the huge waste of electricity, global performances, etc...
So no thanks ! I definitly prefer update just at the launch or use Chocolatey or Windows store auto updates when available in the store