CCleaner suggestion: have CCleaner stop all unnecessary background programs from running

I'd like to see an option to have CCleaner stop all unnecessary background programs from running. This would allow simualtors to run faster. Another option along the same lines is to clean up and free unused memory.

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putting a definition on "unnecessary background programs" will be a sticking point.

it's a very subjective field and as such each user will have different opinions on what should be stopped.

CC certainly should not blindly stop all background tasks, at best, it would need to ask some sort of question as to which ones to stop.

as to cleaning and freeing memory, I don't feel that's an area a (traditionally) junk file removing tool should go into.

albeit a nice feature, I just want a crap remover tool, not a swiss-army knife type tool, bloated with features that are covered well by existing tools.

but, you never know, if the Dev team like the idea and people vote in the positive - who can say.

I agree, whom is the one that decided necessity (if you say the user, most users wouldn't know what were what that runs in the background)

I played with those game optimizers that disable "un-needed" processes. Caused nothing but trouble, and no perfomance gain. Who's to say what processes should be turned off?

The rules the the author of the program comes up with won't be applicable to everyone. This is one are of system "cleaning" you need to manually research. For each and every process.