ccleaner suggestion. clear the windows event logs - C:\WINDOWS\system32\services.exe
I use ccleaner everyday on any computers I come in to contact with. It is brilliant.
I like to lock down my computers including removing unneeded services.
I disabled the event log service and the knock on effect of that is that the wireless network connections does not display any available networks even if you are connected to one. Nice bug.
Each area of the event log, security, applications etc. are small in size (512kbs) and windows self-cleans them anyway after a default length of time which you can set yourself without out needing to turn off any service and any complications that that can bring.
I would not like ccleaner to do this, these logs are really invaluable when trouble shooting.
Each area of the event log, security, applications etc. are small in size (512kbs) and windows self-cleans them anyway after a default length of time which you can set yourself without out needing to turn off any service and any complications that that can bring.
I would not like ccleaner to do this, these logs are really invaluable when trouble shooting.
True, but, however, perhaps it could be an option for users?
I understand your logic entirely, but what happened if we also stated that "Cached web pages can be invaluable, for users on dial-up, as the increased speed of reloading the page is phenomenal."
If we never removed anything, simply because it has a potential use later, wouldn't that stop us from cleaning anything? Everything has a reason, doesn't it? Cookies? Cache files?
I was wondering, perhaps it could be an option? Trash is trash!