CCleaner stops at 20%: Recycle Bin. It won't clean the Recycle Bin and it won't go beyond it.
Windows 7.
The problem began this morning.
Here's what did not help:
- Restore computer to an earlier point
- Uninstalling CCleaner and installing the latest version
Truth is, I do not even know if this is a CCleaner problem or a Recycle Bin problem.
One thing I do notice is that the new version of CCleaner is no longer triggering Windows 7's 'gray screen security warnings'. It just opens.
Can anyone point me in a direction that might help?
First have you tried to empty the recycle bin manually?
You may have a corrupt recycle bin, try resetting the bin from the instructions below (reboot after you do it)
Any change now?
Does this mean that even if one "permanently" deletes the Recycle Bin, Windows will create a new one when one rebootsd?
Hazelnut, I may have found an alternative solution!
Someone asked my if I hooked up any external drives. Well, not recently but I have had two hooked up for quite some time. So I went to look at the two externals in My Computer and one of the drives is unreadable and I get a message that I need to format it. The last time I looked at this drive a week or so ago it was formatted and almost full - with Acronis backups (and some other files). Maybe it filled completely and for some reason is unreadable.
I just turned this second external drive off and lo and behold CCleaner is zipping through it's cleaning process and not even blinking at the Recycle Bin!
I next turned the external drive back on. It seemed to spin up but the computer doesn't even know it is there. Perhaps the problem was not that it filled, but that it failed. I have an alternate backup on the other external and of course the original files on the internal hard drive. I guess I've lost the non-backup files I had on that failed external.
I am going to play around with this a little more tomorrow (I have very little time at this computer this week due to my work schedule) but I really think this is it.
I have my Recycle Bin back and I have my CCleaner back! At the cost of an external drive perhaps.
Thanks for posting back with that info, it may help another user one day who has a similar issue.
(sorry to hear about your external drive