CCleaner stopped working under Mavericks

CCleaner stopped working on iMac when I updated to Mavaricks

Is there a solution?

I'm getting an error message that states:

Your operating system is not supported.

I am getting the same error message!!!!

Please help!!!

If you had looked one thread back you had found this:

One of the moderators states that a CCleaner version for Mavericks is in the making.

The fix to CCLEANER for OS X 10.9 should be rather easy for the Piriform.

Only needed change is the max version limit test of OS X from 10.8 to 10.9 in the program. Should be a simple change.

The current CCLEANER logic/executable will work with 10.9 OS X. Check for yourself -- simply change OS version file on your Mac to test.

The text file to change is "SystemVersion.plist" in the System\Library\CoreServices folder. Change the "10.9" string to "10.8.5". Save the file and CCLEANER will now run.

***The issue is that you have to change it back to 10.9 for other programs in OS 10.9 to function.***

Piriform just needs to change the version check from 10.8 to 10.9 in there app and the ccleaner program will work. They can always tweak the progeam later for 10.9 enhancements.

It has been released:

For those in this thread who wonder why no updates in Apple App Store, please read

How do I transfer my pro licence from the version I bought in the App store to the one I have downloaded from the piriform website?

Hi Loz, and welcome to Piriform.

Is the version you've downloaded from Piriform a later version than the one you have installed from the App Store, and have you actually installed the Piriform version?

Not having a Mac I would have thought the licence (if still current) would automatically be carried into the new install wherever it's downloaded from.

If you get no further input better than that, let me know what you've done and if necessary I'll contact the devs for an answer.


I would have thought the licence (if still current) would automatically be carried into the new install wherever it's downloaded from.

It wouldn't. Mac apps downloaded through the store are entirely self contained for security (and simplicity) reasons.

In that case can I suggest you (Loz) contact Piriforum support direct with your issue, which should be the quickest way to get a resolution.

Piriform Support:

I could mention your issue myself but it's possible they would ask me to pass on the same suggestion to you, which would obviously take more time.

Hope that helps, and thanks Shane for your input.